Here's some classic Bill Cosby at his finest, one of the funniest stand up comedy sets out there, no wonder it has often been mentioned as the inspiration behind a lot of modern comedians.
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Title: Why Is There Air?
Comedian Bill Cosby
Release date 1965
Genre Stand-up comedy special album
The great Bill Cosby is a veteran comedian who has been doing everything from stand-up performances to acting in classic sitcom shows and even his fair share of music.
The man has done countless stand up comedy albums over the years.
Why Is There Air? is one of his very first few CDs he did, this one being from the mid-60s.It's a 40-minute set produced by Warner Bros.
Great classic clean comedy.
This comedy album features some perfect observational material, great clean humor from Bill Cosby's past experiences.
The album opens up with such a fun autobiographical story he experienced as a child, back in Kindergarten. A very fun relatable tale everyone can share whatever age you might be. This opens up the set and what there is to come. Following this bit he moves on to his first few experiences at school. He moves on to his Junior High years, talking about "Personal Hygiene", "Shop" class, etc.
After that he jumps forward a few years later and in "Baby" he talks about being a father. He goes back a little, explaining how he dropped out of High School to join the service.
There's a funny more random bit around going to the dentist, "The Toothache", and getting hooked on Midol. He goes back to his College football days.
All in all, it's a great fun family friendly album that both kids and adults can enjoy!
Overall, Why Is There Air? is classic Bill Cosby goodness! One of Cosby's most perfect and definitive albums. If there's only one album you should have, it's this one!
I can't recommend it enough! The jokes are simple and effective, the pacing and the timing his perfect classic Cosby. It's a great story-telling-type of humor.
A fantastic classic comedy album, Highly Recommended for any comedy fans out there!
I give it:

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