Monday, March 17, 2025

#blog EYZ on SOCIALS

Hello y'all! Since I have been leaving my blog for my socials, allow me to say... 


Follow my socials!

Thursday, February 13, 2025

#SEGAnews Sonic Racing: CrossWorlds - Announce Trailer

 New Sonic Racing game announced!

What can we say already aside from the fact this looks pretty fun? 

Looks like a mix of all previous Sonic/Sega racing games. I see "transformed" mechanics, extremeboards/overboards, lots of characters, SAGE is here! A few references to the storybooks/Secret Rings stages...

This seems pretty good so far!~

Thursday, February 6, 2025

#MovieNEWS Jurassic World Rebirth | Official Trailer

First trailer for Jurassic World Rebirth, Jurassic Park 7/Jurasic World 4/Jurassic Rebirth however you wanna call it.

I'm still kinda hyped!
I need more dinosaurs in my life.
More dinosaur films, more dinosaur games.. just more dinosaurs all around.
Plus it's directed by Gareth Edwards , i kinda like the choice. he makes his films a bit more colorful than other directors, visually
i like what i see so far
despite taking place after Dominion, dinosaurs in the outside world, etc, it kinda seems to ignore the recent trilogy for a reason!
it is written by Spielberg's original writer David Koepp . so he's kinda just writing his Jurassic Park 4 in a way, following JP3 and the island with the Spino and lost labs, etc. it's the story he would have made back then.
Anyway, color me hyped.

#MarvelNEWS The Fantastic Four: First Steps | Official Teaser | Only in Theaters July 25

 First trailer for Fantastic Four from Marvel Studios/Disney. And it looks absolutely..wait for it... FANTASTIC!

Got really surprised, in a good way, by Ben Grimm.

#MovieNEWS Final Destination Bloodlines | Official Teaser Trailer

 Long awaited new Final Destination, the first trailer turns out to be an entire death scene! Cool!

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

#blog Eyz update of late January 2025

Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well.

I have been slowing down my use of this blog these past few years, and for a good reason. Most of the similar topics and exchanges, I do on my own discord or other social media.

Btw you can find all that and more in my linktree:

I will try to post a few things here and there, but I get better return on those other places... We'll see.

Stay tuned, check my stuff on those other places. 

And take care!

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

#Drawings - 2024 recap!

Happy New Year 2025!!

2024 was a pretty shitty year for me, but hey, apparently I've been on fire on the art side, didn't even notice.

Time for another "Summary of Art" year recap!

This year I used this new template:


January - Last year decided to start strong by resurrecting RubberMan for a new chapter. New to make one more to close off this arc:
February - Kept going strong with comics by also bringing back Galactic Janitors and uploading my entire library of work on webtoons and taps:
March - Been going pretty strong with my Goblins this year, including making more OCs, starting a game and starting to seriously think about the lore:
April - Took me a long while to process Akira Toriyama's death somehow, an artist that had been part of my life and big influence on me since I was a kid. This is my little tribute:
May - Another year of dailysketches, can't believe I've been making these for so long. Experimented with a lot of them this year:
June - Aside from making my own goblins I also started creating tribute to some other creators' goblins. But instead of showing that here for june decided to show a Goob I made in the game Dragon's Dogma, which goes along with me trying to make my streams more regularly and more often:
July - Had a blast playing Helltaker and discovering all these cute demongirls waifus:
August - Sonic's had a fantastic past year or so. I could tied something into this Year of Shadow, but instead here's Surge my latest favorite addition to the Sonic Universe:
September - So Digital Circus is getting bigger and bigger. But this was also my return to pariticpating in artjams, like AtomicTiki's bunny suit jam:
October - Gobtober 2024! It was hard to pick a choice, but this one makes me smile:
November - Another year, another Nanomango. This year I killed Zel and made Roxxy and Lydia main characters:
December - I close the year with some Xmas pinups again. Tried to put some spotlight on forgotten characters or new OCs. Here is Goobz getting her first art summary spotlight:

That's all folks!~

Art © Eyz 2024-25.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

#movieNEWS Karate Kid: Legends - Official Trailer (2025) Jackie Chan, Ben Wang, Ralph Macchio

 The crossover from the Karaté Kid reboot and the post-Cobra Kai seasons Karaté Kid original series nobody expected is actually shaping up nicely. Although i find the plot a tad bit weird, with legend Jackie Chan seeking Ralph Macchio for help to train a kid. I feel like the opposite would have made more sense...

The movie does look nice, so color my hyped.