Friday, May 7, 2010

MOVIE NEWS! JJ Abrams and giant lezards...

So did you have a chance to see Ironman 2 already?
I just did yesterday : P

But living in Europe, I had not the chance to see the first teaser trailer of Abrams new movie called Super 8...
Nope, in fact here the trailers aren't selected by the producers/distributers, in case you didn't knew it.
The theatres themselves have their "current" selection that they show alongside all current movies. (most of the times, with a selection for family friendly/kids movies, one for more adult/action/thriller/drama stuff, one for more romantic/girly/love stories and so on...)

Anyway, I didn't had the chance to have my "new Abrams project" preview : (
Thanks to the magic of youtube here's the sneak peak preview:

*hope it stays online for a bit, or I'll have to relink it to somewhere else*

Nice. Doesn't tell much, but leaves us asking for more/imaging stuff.
Building our expectations for the content of this new mystery box.

Secondly here's a preview for the new blockbuster Prince of Persia the sands of time, based on the classic cult gaming franchise. One of my cult classic gaming franchises.

A 50 seconds preview from the movie, not a trailer/teaser!

On the good side: the screenplay was made by Jordan Mechner himself!I love the guy, and I'm pretty sure nobody else would have done a good transition job for this game-to-movie adaptation.

It seems to be mainly inspired by (the trilogy) Sands of Time. But it will draw aspects from the original PoP trilogy (1-Shadow of the Flame-3D) and even the last one (PoP 2008) as well.
The princess seems pretty based on Elika as a matter of fact, which is great : P

Finally, news of a Godzilla reboot/new saga seems be confirmed.
There were rumours of it. And since the original REAL japanese Godzilla already had many different incarnations, a reboot seemed logical after the last Godzilla: Final Wars.

These pics, supposed to be early shots of Godzilla new design, seem to be legit, despite some may say against it.


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