Before joining Blue Beetle in the pages of the JLI....
Before his fantastic comeback in 52...
Before Geoff Johns current popular relaunch...
There was BOOSTER GOLD from Dan Jurgen.
A 25-ysh on-going popular comic book series, which was published from February '86 to February '88.
Booster Gold was introduced in the 80s, after DC Comics big "reboot", directly in his very own self-title first on-going series...
Who was Booster Gold?? Where did he come from?? What were his motivations??
The mysteries started right away in his very first pages...
The HERO from the future~
Booster was created the very first character DC Comics created after the big crisis that rebooted and simplified the DCUniverse.
He was created as a very unique and different character from past super heroes.
Booster was in it for the money. Afterall, why should these super heroes save the day, help people from super powered villains for free?
Nooo, not Booster!
Booster Gold would have sponsors, advertise for them, help others' campaign by representing them, endorsing brands...etc..
Also, Booster was a pretty entertaining read.
Nowadays, his background informations are well-known facts, but originally his first regular series was presented like your typical modern Drama TV series.
There was a "big picture" on-going plot and each issue was a centered monthly installment which usually ended with a "to be continued" and started with the previous issue' open thread.
The series started in the middle of the action, nobody knew anything about this Booster Gold, only he seemed to be Metropolis' new favorite hero, was super popular and appeared from nowhere!
Who is Booster Gold?
Michael Jon Carter was a former super-popular sportsman in Gotham City, in the 25th century.
Life couldn't get any better for him and his family...
Sadly, Michael lost all his fame and money by betting on his own games.
He ended up working as a janitor in a museum, where he met Skeets, a security bot.
One day, he thought he could regain his former star-status by becoming a super hero, like in "the old days". So he stole pieces of the exhibits to make his own super costume, gadgets to create his own super powers and using a Time Machine there, went back in time to the era of the Justice League heroes.
The very first self made hero!
Booster Gold comics can easily be find out today, in bargain bins or among old comics in some stores.
And also in some black & white reprints, Showcase Presents, made by DC.
But since there's an on-going storyline, I thought it could be a nice idea to have some summary up for you guys and gals.
Plus you can catch one which issues are the must reads and where to start.
So let's dig in this original Booster Gold series!

Written and pencils by Dan Jurgen
Ink and colors by Mike DeCarlo & Tom Ziuko
Format: Issue
Booster Gold's very first appearance was in this book!
In this book, the new hero Booster Gold and his sidekick Skeets are introduced to readers... while not revealing any details on his background.
We do not know who Booster is, where does he come from or why's he so popular... he just is!
Everybody loves Booster, even the President himself!
Booster is the new big thing in Metropolis, a hero and a business-figure with his very own enterprise, Goldstar Inc..
Oh, and he defeats his first real villain, Blackguard.
And who exactly is that mysterious organisation, The 1000?....
Overall: If you found a copy of this book... well, don't miss it!
It's a great start. Written in 1986, it's pretty impressive how this book sounds like a modern miniseries (like, say, 52). Action, mystery, suspense... Booster's got everything!
A new character, a big enigma around his identity and past, on-going sub-plots...
A must read!
I give this one a: 3 / 3 Score!

Written and pencils by Dan Jurgen
Ink and colors by Mike DeCarlo & Tom Ziuko
Format: Issue
While Booster ducks it out against Blackguard, The 1000 and Mindrancer, the plot thickens!
Booster's agent and secretary, Dirk and Trixie, get some character development this time.
Oh, and Booster's not just a 2Dimensional character, while having fun watching how he earns money, we also get to see more of the real Booster's underneath the glasses and the hollywood smile.
Overall: Great writing and solid artwork!
I love how this book is nothing like any other book at the time!
Fun, fresh and quite original.
Writer and artist Dan Jurgen is really having fun with this book!
Who's really this Booster Gold guy?! (well, we know that today, but it still's great to check out how it was presented originally)
Fantastic book!
I give this one a: 2.5 / 3 Score!
Comic title: Booster Gold #3
Written and pencils by Dan Jurgen
Ink and colors by Mike DeCarlo & Nansi Hollhman
Format: Issue
Booster plays his public figure, as usual, while The 1000 decides to get rid of Blackguard.
Meanwhile Trix' wants to understand and discover a bit more about Booster...
Finally, Booster Gold attacks The 1000...gets defeated by Mindrancer...and captured!! What's going to happen to our beloved hero!?
Overall: A solid issue. The book's still fun, light hearted and pretty epic.
Nothing as spectacular as the first issues, but still nice.
I give this one a: 2 / 3 Score!

Written and pencils by Dan Jurgen
Ink and colors by Mike DeCarlo & Nansi Hollhman
Format: Issue
Guest starring Thorn!
Booster gets some help against Mindrancer dangerous powers/controls.
Trixie gets more character development and we get to see her at home.
At the end of the day, Booster Gold wins a battle...but the war against The 1000 just started...
Overall: Conclusion to this little story-arc..for now!
The guest character, Thorn, was a bit...far fetched for Booster Gold's standards...but she was ok. Someone saved Booster when he was in need!
Also, a pretty unusual and fun cliffhanger!
I give this one a: 2.5 / 3 Score!

Written and pencils by Dan Jurgen
Ink and colors by Mike DeCarlo & Nansi Hollhman
Format: Issue
The story starts with some super-heroic action. But Booster saves the day from a madman, as usual.
We get some clues here and there about Booster's "real origins".
He also gets his very own Boostermobile, thanks to his advertising abilities.
Meanwhile...something's coming down to Metropolis...
Overall: Mister Twister!!! What a random and fun villain to open the book!
Also Booster's car his pretty funny :P
All in all, one word: Boosteriffic!!
I give this one a: 2.5 / 3 Score!

Written and pencils by Dan Jurgen
Ink and colors by Mike DeCarlo & Nansi Hollhman
Format: Issue
As the title on the book implies:
"At last! The origin of... Booster Gold!"
A kid founds a little robot-alien in the park...gets help from Booster Gold who decides to call in Superman for his knowledge of space and out-of-earth creatures.
Then, most of the issue is Skeets tellin' Supes everything about Booster Gold, Metropolis' hero from the future who stole his powers from a museum...
Overall: This book didn't start off with the origins keep up the mystery for a while...And finally here's the secrets revealed!
How does it turn out?
Fantastic! Having Superman present for the big reveal was a clever move. His boy scout attitude towards Booster helps the readers stay as much impartial as they should be for that tale!
Fantastic art and writing!
I give this one a: 2.5 / 3 Score!

Written and pencils by Dan Jurgen
Ink and colors by Mike DeCarlo & Nansi Hollhman
Format: Issue
Part 2 of the previous tale!
Supes and Booster end up in an alien planet.. and confront a different society. Each take a different position in a conflict which reflects both super heroes' opinions on heroes' responsibilities.
Back on earth a comic book company wants to publish Booster Gold's adventures!
Overall: Clever ending to the previous issue (don't miss it!) and the story is taking a new turn!
Booster is becoming a bit more responsible here and there...
I give this one a: 2 / 3 Score!
Comic title: Booster Gold #8
Written and pencils by Dan Jurgen
Ink and colors by Mike DeCarlo & Gene D'angelo
Format: Issue
The Legion, from DC's 30th Century in the future find the Time Machine Booster used himself to go from his 25th Century to our present day...And a flight ring, the same model as Legion's Brainiac 5! was from the past?! Someone played with time travel it seems, so they, Brainiac with Chameleon Kid and Ultra Boy, decide to go to the root of the problem, as in the moment the time machine ended up broken in the 80s...
Meanwhile The 100 which was defeated by Black Lightning not long ago only to be reborn as The 1000 under the ferocious hand of The Director decide to assassinate the President and Vice-president to replace them. The hire Chiller, a shape shifter mercenary, to help their plan..
But it wasn't counting for Booster Gold who's just arrived from the 25th century!
Overall: This is it!
A backup story continuing Booster Gold's origin!
We finally get to see how Booster Gold started his new life in our century. He arrives in our "world".
Start using his powers and costume. Skeets helps him along with the facts and historical data.
Then the Legion arrive and they start fighting Booster...
I give this one a: 2.5 / 3 Score!

Written and pencils by Dan Jurgen
Ink and colors by Mike DeCarlo & Gene D'angelo
Format: Issue
Booster continues his fight against the Legion of the 30th century!
Chill and The 1000 are almost having their horrible deed executed..but Booster is able to convince the Legion to help him out set things right!
In the all works out. We get to see how the President became a close friend to Booster Gold (the guy even offered him two cats!), Booster starts up his business...and The Director and his 1000 want their revenge against Booster! And they won't let him go until he's D-E-A-D.
Overall: Fantastic wrap up! Great tension and the plot work out pretty tight~
(Brainiac 5 give his ring to the presdient to help him out at one point...which will end up the future museum in the 25th century...which Booster will stole and bring back to the this means, at one point, there is two copies of that ring side by side!?!?)
I give this one a: 3 / 3 Score!

Written and pencils by Dan Jurgen
Ink and colors by Mike DeCarlo & Gene D'angelo
Format: Issue
Back to the present day! Booster just had his Boostermobile and has a date with Trixie (!!).
The Director plans Booster Gold big defeat... He already has Booster Gold's PR, Dirk, in his pocket thanks to a kidnapping... They attack Booster in plan sight, only to better analyse his powers & weaknesses and plan a way to destroy the Gold hero once and for all...
Overall: Terrific!
The plot is back on track and moves quickly...
Very tight, and an easy pick-up!
I give this one a: 2.5 / 3 Score!

Written and pencils by Dan Jurgen
Ink and colors by Mike DeCarlo & Gene D'angelo
Format: Issue
Trix was kidnapped!!
The 1000 got Dirk to stole file and informations on Booster Gold..
And they send a big guy, Shockwave, to destroy the building!
In the end Dirk gains a bit of respect helping out Booster, and our gold-ysh hero decides to strike back and finish a long-started war.
Overall: Wow!
Just, wow!
This is quite intense!
And even the C-list villain, Shockwave, get his shiny moments (love how he's defeated!).
The story is as intense as ever. And Dan Jurgen's art came a long way these past 10 issues!
Oh, and Booster Gold's got a new fun haircute :D
I give this one a: 2,5 / 3 Score!

Written and pencils by Dan Jurgen
Ink and colors by Mike DeCarlo & Gene D'angelo
Format: Issue
The final showdown!!
It's on!
Booster goes alone with Skeets in the secret HeadQuarters of The 1000...while he doesn't notice how Skeets himself's already on their side!!
Booster helps out Trixie and Sarah, Dirk's daughter and lose all his "powers" on the way...until...his final showdown with the head of The 1000, the Director himself!!
Overall: Woow! Again!
Quite epic showdown, twelve issues in the making. Featuring the very best of Dan Jurgen's art and dialogues.
Booster's in it to win this time! And what an epic climatic ending!
The ending is quite a shock too, what does the future holds for Booster?!
I give this one a: 2.5 / 3 Score!

Written and pencils by Dan Jurgen
Ink and colors by Gary Martin & Gene D'angelo
Format: Issue
Booster is feeling fact, since he lost his powers and then health in the last issue, he's getting worse by the minute..
Enters Jack Soo, scientist from StarLabs, who's been developing a variant costume for a would-be sidekick courtesy of Goldstar Inc.
Trixie wears the Goldstar's costume to help Booster.
They later comes down to a conclusion that Booster came from his era with a little "cold", or some virus from the future which has developed dangerously thanks to our century's atmosphere. So far, only Booster had it. They get help from another famous DC's scientist, Rip Hunter, who's finally able to bring to an end his time machine, thanks to Booster Gold's knownledge and use of his very own machine in the future (wooow.. this gets all scifi in this issue, with time travel explanations and such..).
Anyway, all end up in the 25th century to help Booster... but lose their machine, get trapped and separated... and Booster's tryin' to find what did happen to his family there.
Overall: I love scifi. I love time travel!
This issue was a pretty fun ride. Now that The 1000's arc is over, time to go in new directions!
This issue is pretty neat and also introduces the current interpretation of Rip Hunter~
On the bad side, with this issue, Booster Gold lost its original penciler Mike DeCarlo which moved to other projects then... and it kinda shows... Not as clean as past issues.. Some next issues will also have different pencilers the next months for a while...
I give this one a: 2.5 / 3 Score!
Comic title: Booster Gold #14
Written and pencils by Dan Jurgen
Ink and colors by Mike DeCarlo & Gene D'angelo
Format: Issue
While Jack Soo and Rip Hunter discover the future and try getting the Time Machine back up, Booster Gold and Goldstar are arrested by the future police!
A certain Broderick, on Booster Gold's case, get him ready for an exectution. You see, in the future, to stole a time machine is a pretty big thing.
Overall: Still as intense and great as the previous bunch of issues!
Things get complicated for our heroes.
Skeets is repaired since the fight with The 1000, and Jack and Rip get some ideas and inspirations from the 25th century!
Great scifi story!
I give this one a: 2.5 / 3 Score!

Written and pencils by Dan Jurgen
Ink and colors by Bruce D. Patterson & Gene D'angelo
Format: Issue
Booster Gold and Goldstar are saved at the last minute by Booster's sister, Michelle and Rip Hunter and Jack Soo have the information they needed. There's another time machine! One built by the government!
In the end, it all works out, though the place gets it the last we saw of inspector Broderick?...
Overall: The conclusion comes a bit quickly... But they needed to get the book back in the present!
They bring back Michelle. I find it a bit weird (probably an editorial decision? I always thought it was a "bad move"...)
And Booster comes up a bit more heroic and humble for all his recent adventures...or does he?...
I give this one a: 2 / 3 Score!
Comic title: Booster Gold #16
Written and pencils by Dan Jurgen
Ink and colors by Bob Lewis
Format: Issue
Introducing Booster Gold International, B.G.I. for short!
It's a big revamp for the series!
Booster has now a big extreme mansion full of gadgets and such. He wants to be as big and on the cutting edge as LexCorps or StarLabs. Jack Soo becomes the big tech guy of the gang. Trix and Dirk get a little "thing" going on (a bit weird, but..). Michelle joins the gang on their all-new adventures. And Booster tries having back Metropolis' heart!
We get to see some side-story with a) Cheshire receiving a new contract and b) Hawk and a dirty guy planning baaad stuff.
Oh, and Booster Gold's finally get his Justice League invitation! (check out the JLI series for that!)
Overall: New fresh start for Booster and the gang! I like this new direction!
The book still feels unique and different from other heroes, it still is fun and light hearted!
And I like Dan Jurgen's planning of his stories. Letting bits of info here and there on future threads. Nice!
I give this one a: 3 / 3 Score!

Written and pencils by Dan Jurgen
Ink and colors by Arne Starr & Gene D'angelo
Format: Issue
Booster tracks down Hawk to Mexico, on a big dangerous plan to kill millions!!
In the end, we get a little chat between Booster, Hawk and Cheshire. He may work for money, but that doesn't make him such a low character as those. He has heart. Zing!
Overall: Nice work! Getting Booster alongside long running/older DC characters and making him stand out and proud. Booster's the better man in the end.
Nice work Booster team~
I give this one a: 2 / 3 Score!

Written and pencils by Dan Jurgen
Ink and colors by Mike DeCarlo & Gene D'angelo
Format: Issue
The agent Broderick is back, back from the future!
A very original story, apart from the intro, told from Broderick's point of view. It was a nice change of pace.
Also, Booster spends the whole issue out of costume, with no powers and wearing a tux!
Having him taking out a band of armed guys with his strenght and brains only, James Bond-style, was very neat-o!
Overall: Getting Mike DeCarl, even for an issue is always nice. But for THIS issue!
Great solid writing for what is one of my favorite Booster Gold issues!
I give this one a: 3 / 3 Score!

Written and pencils by Dan Jurgen
Ink and colors by Al Vey & Gene D'angelo
Format: Issue
The Rainbow Raider's attacks a museum!!
Who's the Rainbow Raider? And old school Flash villain. He even gets some depth in this story, with a real background and some motivations for a change, not just your usual C-list villain wreckin' havoc.
Booster gets attacked by Rainbow's dangerous colored lights which affects emotions (did Geoff Johns read this before writing the current Green Lantern?!) and ends up...blind!!
Also, Michelle goes off in her own Minnesota!
Overall: Using a more silver age type of villain was a very nice idea. This issue, being kind of silly/parodic in appearance really builds up some kind of, when you come to the end, with a more serious tone..sure..shocks the reader!
Great and original take on the Rainbow Raider who may have silly powers and an ugly costume...comes out great nonetheless!
I give this one a: 2.5 / 3 Score!

Written and pencils by Dan Jurgen
Ink and colors by Arne Starr & Gene D'angelo
Format: Issue
Booster and Skeets were affected by the white colored ray...leaving the Rainbow Raider attacking more museums!
Meanwhile Michelle is having fun with the Goldstar suit!
Booster resolves the situation with the Raider in a very unusual non-superheroic way.
But what about Michelle's...?!?
Overall: Very original ending!
20 issues in and Dan Jurgen can still keep things interesting and original!
But things weren't starting to be good for Booster Gold... DC canceled the book, the last 5 issues will be the last (of the series! Booster will still be seen in other books, such as the JLI).
This is the last fun light hearted Booster Gold issue, the next ones will go darker, trying to keep readers but it will kinda backfire...
I give this one a: 2.5 / 3 Score!
Comic title: Booster Gold #21
Written and pencils by Dan Jurgen
Ink and colors by Ty Templeton & Gene D'angelo
Format: Issue
Aliens from another dimension are planning an invasion and have kidnapped Michelle, Booster's sister, wearing the Goldstar costume!
And Booster's fighin' this time all alone against a very threatning menace!
Dirk's back to acting all weird and there's a new member at Booster Gold International.
Overall: This issue seems to feature very silly old Teen Titans enemy...but is pretty dark in fact.
The situation's getting worse for the Booster...
Oh and the cover is a bit cheap in my eyes... It's not what's currently exactly happening in the book...but the cliffhanger, what appears in the very last panel of this issue. That's pretty low Jurgen! Specially from you!
I give this one a: 2 / 3 Score!
Comic title: Booster Gold #22
Written and pencils by Dan Jurgen
Ink and colors by Ty Templeton & Gene D'angelo
Format: Issue
Part 2!
A giant Marshmallow monster attacks Minnesota!!
The Justice League comes in to help the Booster.
There's some very nice funny panels in this issue...
Goldstar/Michelle dies in the end....
Overall: ...
Arg... I know DC was tryin' to sell the book to more readers, and make things darker...but... Ugh...
It also made fans go away!
Where's the fun?! The adventure?!
At least the humor's still a bit here...for now...
Poor Michelle! She didn't last long in this book...
And poor Booster! How can he still be that hero from the future tryin' to get rich and popular quick?!...
Well written (on the JLI part specially) but also...a bit harsh to the fans...
I give this one a: 1.5 / 3 Score!
Comic title: Action Comics #594
Written and pencils by John Byrne
Ink and colors by Keith Williams & Tom Ziuko
Format: Issue
Alright, so this isn't a Booster Gold comic in name. But it is part of a 2-issues story which ends in Booster Gold's on-going series.
The story starts off with Supes, Batman and Robin.
They talk about Superman's current status in his series. People are going to have Superman Day in Metropolis.
Then Booster Gold starts an anti-Superman movement?! What the...??
The two face off...They fight...And Booster wins?!?
Overall: Well, the characters are well represented but the plot moves slowly.
I'm not super familiar with John Byrne's writing.
The art is ok. Batman looked great in his guest appearance!
Only Booster brought me on this one...and what a weird off-character Booster Gold!
Or is it...??
(the answer lies in the 2nd part of this story)
I give this one a: 1.5 / 3 Score!
Comic title: Booster Gold #23
Written and pencils by Dan Jurgen
Ink and colors by Roy Richardson & Gene D'angelo
Format: Issue
Two Booster Golds in Metropolis, and one of them ain't yours truly!!
Superman and the real Booster defeat the foe...but more are coming on the way...
It seems that Lex Luthor was gettin' sick of the concurrence from B.G.I.!
Booster Gold and Supes seem to be finally able to get alon each other..a bit.
And some terrible new threat seems to be ready to act against our gold-ysh here...
Overall: Pretty decent crossover with the Action Comics title.
Trying to get more readers on this series before the end, heh?
Pretty ok story. Art decent.
The cliffhanger announces the beginning...of the end...
I give this one a: 2 / 3 Score!

Written and pencils by Dan Jurgen
Ink and colors by Ty Templeton & Gene D'angelo
Format: Issue
DC's event, Millenium, finally get to the Booster in this issue. Which will also mark the last arc on the book.
The Manhunters are tryin' to take over earth for their own purposes and get the people against the Earth-based Green Lanterns for that. (with rumours about an alien invasion..)
Dirk is revealed to have been a Manhunter (or at least, recently replaced by own) working all along Booster Gold.
The mansion attacks Gold... He loses almost everything..but after his sister, it's the last straw!
Booster joins the bad guys...!!!
Overall: Booster continues his decent into...the dark/gritty comic trend that was started with the Watchman and the Dark Knight Returns...
Which is really sad...
Plus Dirk's revelation... -sigh-
I guess all good things have to end at some point..?
I give this one a: 1.5 / 3 Score!

Written and pencils by Dan Jurgen
Ink and colors by Robert Campanella & Gene D'angelo
Format: Issue
(Continuing events seen in the Millenium event)
Booster was able to protect someone from the the price of his popularity and self-respect.
Has he betrayed the JLI? No! He saved many! But he lost everything else he had in the process...
Finally, Booster Gold decides to keep up the good fight, thanks to Blue Beetle, Black Canary and the Martian Manhunter. Michael Jon Carter will rest in our century, keep the Booster Gold suit and live at the JLI Headquarters!
It may be the end for this "life" but the adventures of Booster Gold aren't over!...
Overall: A pretty correct ending, specially after the last couple of issues...
Dan Jurgen was pretty sad to see his title get canceled..but at least his character will continue to live on in another comic book series!
It was a pretty good run with some..hum..correct last issues.
At least Booster comes out as a hero in the end. He isn't the same naive optimistic hero from the future...but his heart's still in the good place.
Nice final issue, which you may like if you haven't checked out much of the rest of the series but concludes pretty well for fans of the book.
I give this one a: 2 / 3 Score!
And that is all!
After that Booster only appeared in the pages of the Justice League International.
Where he developed a friendship with Blue Beetle specially, a new life without his fortune (well because of...check the last Booster Gold issues above!) and a better sense of justice and heroism.
Oh and he stole some Oreos from the Martian Manhunter a couple of times...
Anyway, Booster sadly disappeard from DC Comics after a while... one appearance in a cartoon here, some other one there...
But thanks to Geoff Johns and the amazing 52 event, Booster came back during the One Year Later storyline. And now he's back with a regular series (Booster Gold vol.2) and a recurring role (Justice League Generation Lost)!
Though he slowly moved from the greedy selfish commercial "Man of Gold"-mentality to the time travelling adventurer "The Greatest Hero The World Has Never Known!" as the tagline implies. Different concept, same good ol' Booster.
That's all for this time's Quickies!
ReplyDeleteI love that episode! Pretty fun~
The similar Brave and the Bold-Booster Gold episode was pretty cool as well!
I recommend ya to try finding some original Booster Gold comics alongside the current series I know you already dig!
At least some of the better issues (the first ones, some of the middle ones and some around the last ones, well I rated them above anyway!)
Eyz, I just found this post and your SupperBuddies strip. Great work. I'll be mentioning your work later this week on! Awesome!
ReplyDeleteI'll be checkin' that site (as a matter of fact, I'm already am!)
I'm a big Booster fan! (just check all the blog post I did on the guy already!)
Thanks for checkin' out my blog^^
I have a lot more Superbuddies in the work!