Friday, October 8, 2010

Just Imagine - if the Star Wars flicks...

Here's a random blog-post.
A thought I had, while talking about Star Wars with my bro. (hot damn...couldn't have made it sound more nerdy if I tried :/)

Just Imagine:
What if the Star Wars flicks had been filmed chronologically?

Imagine if in '77, it wasn't "A New Hope" that would have been released in theatres, but "The Phantom Menace" instead.
Accept that fact, like George Lucas actually managed to create a whole universe and breaking it into several flicks. Most of the overall plot would have been the same. (we're not here to discuss if he had the whole thing in his head from the start, just that Episode 1 would have been the first to be filmed)
Of course, the look of each of those movies would have come out quite differently.

Episode 1:
Could Jar Jar exist in the the 70s? A costumed Jar Jar guy?

First off, the movie that would have changed the most would be The Phantom Menace.
Let's say the story would have been the same for the most part.
A strange new universe of scifi space opera/western/medieval. Introducing the viewers to many strange concepts. The first Jedi we'd ever seen being Obi-wan and Qui-Gon.

If the plot was the same (a galactic trade federation tries to separate itself from the republic, Jedis try to keep staying peacekeepers in these troubled times, they find young Anakin and bring him along, Naboo is under attack, the Sith are revealed...) many details should be cut down to simpler things.
First of the Droids would end up as costumes or animatronics. The War scenes would have been simpler, and using smarter directing techniques to hide the technical means of that time. George Lucas and his team were pretty good back then. The space parts of the Naboo invasion would have taken much more time over the fight scenes in the palace.
I guess it would have been a shorter movie too. And less complicated around the midichlorian/padawan's age/Jedi Council parts too.

Things that would have changed the most: 
The whole Gungan aspect. Maybe taken off the movie (due to budget, limitations, time..) or turned into a much simpler down-to-earth aspect.

How awesome some things would have turn out:
The podrace would have become the definitive chase scene of the 70s. Imagine all the effort put into the Death Star attack in episode IV...Now, that with the podrace. It would have been completely different. Good? I'm pretty sure they would polish that would sequence. And now in the 2000s, people would still talk about that scene "from the original Star Wars, you know, the podrace!! So much better than the CGi stuff from Episode IV, V and VI!"

Bad things:
I don't see how Coruscant would have made it in the movie, without having too much 70s into it. Politic scenes, in more urban environment?.. That would age much more than any Lightsabre fight scene...

Episode 2:
Costumed Clones instead of CGi?

Attack of the Clones would have been a pretty straightforward interpretation.
Everything it does could be done back then. Just take a look at Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.
Machinery, soldiers, action, darker plot...

By then, the audience would actually like following Anakin. I think they actor would have stayed the same between both movies (changing ages of Anakin in both Episode 1 & 2).
The thing is, maybe the series would have stopped after the first or second Star Wars. Would it be as successful? Sure, Episode 1 would have been a quite original and unique movie for its time, but would it work as well, without the young farmer-turned-Rebel hero Luke? Would people like as much young slave-turned-Jedi peacemake of the universe?

Anyway, Attack of the Clones would have a quite dark movie.
The heroes are losing, the galaxy is turned into a a war zone and Anakin, our hero, is not respecting his heroic/Jedi code?! (but it still would have kept Empire Strikes Back general tone)
New sith appear...
what is their ultimate goal?!

Things that would have changed the most: 
The whole Clone Wars! Live troops instead of CGi cannon folder. Meaning less epic-scale war and more realistic view of the war.

How awesome some things would have turn out:
By that moment, people wouldn't know what to expect of the Star Wars franchise. Taking out the Rebel alliance Vs. Empire storyline of the original trilogy, the SW universe would seem to have a defined objective. Are we simply following stories of a scifi universe? Political intrigues? Or is there a dark design behind it all, probably around those so-called "Sith"?...

Bad things:
People would hate George Lucas for special edition-ing Episode 2. You know those nerds that hate how Lucas edited the original movies? Think of the clone wars now. Yeah, CGi troopers everywhere added in the old flicks, new shots and sequences, etc...

Episode 3:
Rise. Lord Vader.

The biggest twist in movie history wouldn't have been Luke's connection to the Lord of the Sith in the 2nd movie of a trilogy, but the hero, Anakin, turning into the galaxy's biggest threat in the 3rd one.

The whole feel of the SW saga would have ended up in a slighty darker note in Revenge of The Sith.
What?! That's it? That is the end of a saga?! Then no more movies for a couple years... Many expanded universe stories trying to shed some light and closure on the series...
But thanks to the future Jedi babies at the end, maybe a little distant hope for the future of the galaxy?

Things that would have changed the most: 
Talk about a complete "What if..?"
Ending the "original trilogy" on the hero joining the bad guys... I guess lots of people would have hated this installment (unlike, in real life, how most people prefer this one over the others in the "prequel trilogy")

How awesome some things would have turn out:
Well, by then, cinematic means and methods would have evolved a bit since Episode 1.
I guess most of Episode 3 would stay the same. But the whole Kashyyyk/Wookie aspect would have een criticized to this day. Like the Ewoks.
"What?! A bunch of giant monkey are facing Clone Troopers with no problems?! Using only crossbows?!"

"Attack of The Clones was the best of the series!!"

Bad things:
People would hate the fall of Anakin as much as a huge twist it would have been. Meaning, not as classic and loved as Vader: "I Am Your FATHER!!!"
And I guess it would have been a pretty emo movie, with all the Jedi dying, Republic falling, Empire rising, etc.. Would people call George Lucas a "pro-nazi" because of that?

Episode 4:
But more Harrisson Ford? :(

A New Hope would have passed from more cult movie of all time to sequel most hated of all time....
Imagine just that...
Different type of story.
New cast of characters.
Anakin's now the galaxy's most hated man.
Many many years have passed, most fans would have grown up haters (because of that bad ending in part 3?)
CGi everywhere where once was genuine FX practical effects.

Things that would have changed the most: 
Apart from the actors, which are on everyone's mind forever, the plot would have some little tweaks and there I believe. For a 2000s flick ('98... but let's not get picky here..) the story was a tad too simple and linear...
I'm guessing more shenanigans inside the Death Star, more Rebel Alliance aspects...
And Leia would actually wore more than costume during the events of this movie. :P

How awesome some things would have turn out:
People would hate this movie on so many levels...But at least Obi-wan would have a chance to still be played by the same actor! Which is a nice thing I guess.
The only original returning character, tagging along a new generation!...

Bad things:
..And then dying.
Oh Sh...!!! °__O
Don't listen to the rumours about the original Obi-wan actor having problems with Lucas or anything...
Obi-wan needed to die, plot-wise. It's a very knightly/oly crusade/Chrétien DeTroy/medieval important aspect of the story. The young Luke's mentor has to die for the hero to truly achieve his mission, evolve and turn into the ture hero he should be.
But seeing him die...ugh...that would alienate a lot of fans, maybe as much as Jar Jar did in our Episode 1...
Episode 5:
Hoth Wars!

The one that wouldn't have changed the switch to must would have probably be Empire Strikes Back.
I can see the same plot modernized easily in my mind.

Sure, the Hoth war would have turned into the central aspect. Lots of efforts and state-of-the-art CGi epic scenes there. Maybe make it more important, into a longer period (like, intense months of war instead).

CGi Yoda would have entered the scene at that point (and CGi Dagobah) if not earlier back in Episode 4.

The whole Jedi training, Yoda's relation to the force and Palpatine would probably be played completly different here.
With a different overlook on the franchise.

Things that would have changed the most: 
Plotwise, I can see the same movie behind made (with a different visual/look).
But the feel, the atmosphere, would be totally changed.
It's not about the twist-surprise ending "I Am Your FATHER!." "Nooooooo! That's not true!!!"
But about the new generation trying to redeem the previous one.

How awesome some things would have turn out:
I have some problems seeing how "awesome" it could have been...
Apart from the last section of this post where we'll talk about the Expanded Universe, below.
Besides those "factors", some Empire sequences would have been a tad bit more epic.
Oh, and I can see the empire striking back being a nice dark twisted ending. What's with this alternative take on Star Wars being so gloom and gritty?!?

Bad things:
People would have hate the whole Hoth War. The whole CGi special effects rampage over the more "traditional" Episode 1-2-3.
Yeah, those angry nerds.
Only, instead of hating 1-2-3, they would hate 4-5-6! :P

Episode 6:
They would probably be all CGi, but I couldn't find a good non-costume picture of those creeps.

Finally, The Return of The Jedi would have been received completely different.
We're not watching the end of a trilogy anymore, but of a series.
(not discussing here if there could have been an episode 7-8-9, but just switching the release dates!)

That's what we followed for so long!
Six long epic scifi movies, a whole franchise. A whole universe.
Things sure changed a lot along the way.

This movie finally redeems the little Ani some old fans loved and followed back in the 80s.
The dark lord dictator changes side and helps defeat the evil mastermind Palpatine behind it all.
Could we accept a story where the Hitler-like dictator figure redeem himself after killing those young padawans back in Episode 3?
And would this ending be as well received as our last movie Revenge of the Sith?!

Things that would have changed the most: 
There would probably be an epic lightsabre final duel between Luke and Vader, Luke and Palpatine and finally Vader and Palpatine. (as the previous episode IV and V would I'm sure)
Much more choreographed, more Samurai inspired over the Knights duel in I, II and III.
Also I'd expect much more planets and people cheering in the end.
Ghost Anakin/Vader without helmet played by the kid who was originally Anakin in the first trilogy too?
Lots of CGi epic fights in the end too.

How awesome some things would have turn out:
The whole final would have been a lot bigger, on a much larger and epic-scale.
Dare I say, another/different/more doomsday devices? (2 Death Stars?!)
Also, we would get to see the ending/Anakin in a totally different light.

Bad things:
CGi Ewoks! Beware! The Jar Jar of this alternate universe! The Jar Jars. There's lots of them! ugh...
Also, I'm sure old fans of the original trilogy would hate this ending!
"Man, stupid Lucas, stupid Hollywood! The original trilogy had a great twisted ending! A dark non-conventional ending! It was perfect"
"Yeah! Tell 'em Steve-Dave! Not this silly Happy Ending Hollywood ending for kids! It's just stupid! Everyone's dancing!!!"

The Expanded Universe:
More Jedis! Hell yeah!

We all imagine things would have been different in the movies.
But what about the rest?

I'm pretty sure the whole franchise would have been shaped completely different.
For one, I'm sure, if we keep the 10+years gab between both trilogies, a lot of novels and comics would have covered the in-between sagas.
You think that Episode 3 ended on a slighty bad note? Producers would have lots of happy kid-friendly stuff bridge-in between III and IV. Seeing the kids Luke and Leia growing up. (a live sitcom perhaps?), some hope shining on this Empire fuelled universe perhaps?

But I mostly imagine it wouldn't have taken 10 years to make a new Star Wars as well.
It ended to dark. Maybe half that time, like 4-5 years to Episode IV being directed.

Also, what would we have instead of the 80s cartoons and tv movies Ewoks, Droids, etc... (...glups...the..Star Wars special too...)
Perhaps adventures of young Ani?
Or, oh god no, a Jar Jar Binks cartoon series?!

As for Dark Horse Comics or video games... More Republic stuff instead of Empire stuff..? (no big change here, just a different sight and overview)

As for today, now that the series' finished.
A CGi Hoth Wars instead of Clone Wars? At least, something from the Rebel Alliance p.o.v. instead of the Clones, Jedi and Republic?

Would the series go past the 6th flick? Would we have a 7th one? More?!

Things that would have changed the most: 
The whole dynamic of the SW franchise would have been switched.
We would have a more linear view, based on generations and stuff..
Simply put: Star Wars would have felt a bit more like Star Trek.

How awesome some things would have turn out:
We wouldn't have a huge expanded universe...
Probably something, as detailed, but more straightforwad. That's the Star Trek pattern I'm seeing.
Maybe a Star Wars tv show already.
We would have more returning actors between the movies and media. And older episode I, II and III cast appearing in other installments.

Bad things:
A more conventional approach means Star Wars could have been used beyond George Lucas' oversight.
Remakes? Yikes! Hollywood prequels (outside his control), sequels or interquels.
Maybe a restart/reboot?
After Episode 3, it could have been tv shows after tv shows describing the Empire-era?
Star Wars could have been a whole lot more scifi then, but any good...? (imagine parallel universe movies/tv shows.. many Christmas Special-like forced events around the story)
Once it isn't a contained universe with its own timeline but a linear show, there could have been lots of worse things than we could imagine!

Anyway, that was my two-cent random blog posting of the week~
Hope ya had a fun read! Discuss!

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