Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Gamin'NEWS! MVC3 Shulkie, Zero, Shuma and Jill sandwiches

Here's the latest Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 news!

This month, with the new announcements and reveals, we're one step closer to MVC3's release date!
Capcom just announced 2 more character's debut.

- Zero from Capcom's Mega Man X series. He seems to have simply been taken from the previous Vs. game, Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom. Similar moveset and chara-model.
- She-Hulk from Marvel's Hulk lineup. We already had the green giant, seems we'll be able to play with his cousin. Her moves are rather...dull from this video. Nothing special. I guess with her in the game and Deadpool, we're gonna have plenty-o 4th wall breaking. (any chance for Squirrel Girl now?)

The vids:

Zero enters the ring!

Shulkie joins the fight!

And teh pics:



From these pics we can already see some new costumes for those two.
Zero will have a Mega Man color swap. - alright..generic usual fightin' game palette changes..
Shulkie will have her Fantastic Four temporary costume. - neat! - in Red. - Woaaah?? Couldn't they give her a blue one? Her blue costume better be in it too. And why's her hair red? Couldn't they simply use Savage She-Hulk/Hulk's daughter from an alternate future as 2nd costume? She does have actually red hair you know...

BUT WAIT there's more!

Capcom showed the special edition the game will get (at least in the US)

Which showed two more characters!
- Shuma-Gorath from Marvel's Doctor Strange.A MVC veteran returning character!
- Jill Valentine from Capcom's Resident Evil series. Yea- NOO! Not her RE5 ugly generic bimbo look! I wanted classy RE1 Jill or smexy urban Jill from RE3!! (alternate costumes?)

They're already announcing DLC characters? For the special edition??
Meaning, on-disc??
I'm sick and tired of this generation's micro-transactions...
This game's DLC better be playable without an internet connection..
Seriously, put in one of those games that have DLC (Bioshock, Mass Effect, etc..) and disconnect your system from Xboxlive/PSN... can you play the game or does it keep asking you to redownload the content/reconnect your system? Well if you can't play the game (offline mode and console offline too) it's one of those games that you won't be able to play1-2 console generations later when the online support will be off.

Ok. That was sort of off-topic..
That's what I do best *remembers school assigments*

Anyway, for those who want to guess the upcoming characters, here's a screenshot of the current game's character select mode:

1 comment:

  1. I prefered not to have Venom this time.
    One - he appears too much lately, including both last games, the Spectacular cartoon and the 3rd live movie...
    Two - SpiderWoman may "replace" him.
    3 - Too much Spider-related characters already!
    I want other non-Spidey, non-X-men, non-Avengers ones too!
    Defenders, Exiles, and the likes~

    I'm not sure it's an incomplete liste.
    There's 42 characters there, which sounds about right.
    Perhaps Jill was improvised after that (meaning not on the disc) and Shuma got "ejected" off the regular cast for DLC instead.

    A contest?? Really? I'll check it out~
