Tuesday, June 7, 2011

E3 NEWS! lots MOAR trailers PartIII

Continuing our way through some of these recently revealed trailers and videos of upcoming titles!
First of all, let's start with something good. Something less violent and mainstream.
I tend to not be much of a "Playstation" guy, probably something to do with my "generation", and growing up with the 16-bits generation. But this game is something everyone who's got any system should check out at least once. (not games like Halo or Uncharted, but this one below)

It's the upcoming re-released Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection!
HD or original, the game at heart is the same.

Speaking of which, there's also a Splinter Cell HD collection coming up.

Simply titled Splinter Cell Trilogy. (HA! They left out Double Agent! hahaha - yes, I am mocking that awful episode) and if this isn't to your liking, having ALREADY played/owning all those 3 and don't care much for re-editions like me, there this:

A brand new title, Splinter Cell 6! But Ubi didn't reveal any footage on its panel...
This one won't be developed by Assassin's Creed team Ubisoft Montreal, but by their new developing team Ubisoft Toronto Studios, freshly opened a little ago.

I thought I'd share this, it looks like Paramount is developing a random Star Trek game for the PSNetwork.

Yeah, it looks as random as it sounds.
(generic scifi survival 3rd person game? uhh...yeah..sure...*roll eyes*)

Do you like BATMAN?
Do you wanna spend some money on ANY BAT-RELATED product??
Here's something while you wait for Arkham City:

It's Gotham City Impostors!
A random rip-off Team Fortress with sort of Bat-inspired character?
(and they say people have so few money in this economy...)

Let's close this post on this movie tie-in, from Spielberg & co!

The Adventures of Tintin, by Ubi.
Yeah, they say it's gonna be a "companion" to the movie. they say they're helping the game come along nicely.
But they always say that. Or that it will expand upon/tell a sidestory.

Anyway, I'll be back for more in another post!

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