Wednesday, August 3, 2011

London Holidays 2011 [warning! post heavy in pictures]

Hey guys and gals. The few of you out there that are still watching my blog around this summer time.
So, I've gone to London and back.

I thought it would be nice to have a blog post relating some of that and an excuse to post some pictures we took from over there.

Note: most if not all these pictures have been taken by my brother.

How was my trip to London?
It was epic!
We saw a lot of stuff, kept on running from one point of London to another. We tried to see the most we could in the little days we had there (a short bit less than a week).
From the Westminster to the Eastminster to the Upminster... Wheew!
Hours of Subway/Overground/Undeground/etc..

Let's have a look, in PICTURES!

From my first day in London. The flight from Switzerland to London didn't stop us from checking out the place a lot right away.

A very good street shot taken by my bro.

a) Yeah that is me.
b) If I'm making a weird expression it's because how tired I was already after a flight + visiting the city like crazy on the same day.

Yeah, you read that right!

The park/cemetery.

Checking out the city life.

And this is the "Viking Hotel", the place where we stayed.
Little warning, though. It isn't very viking-ysh inside. (nor outside)

Awwww :(

That's some "professional" photography :P

Much needed picture.


Obligatory picture is obligatory.
See previous example!

Ahhh.... London's very own classic "UNDERGROUNDS". How many hours did I spent in there, trapped, for hours, among masses of bodies glued together? Probably 60% of my time in London, easily...

You guy, you are one helluva badass statue. Whoever you are.

We went to all the museums we could find.
The Tate Modern, The National Gallery, The Science name it!

Food break!
Who said British cuisine isn't good?

Those guys! THOSE guys!
I know you enjoy seeing them, so enjoy watching them in motion+sound as well:


They played everything! Patriotic tunes, classic music, modern pop music...Michael Jackson...lots of the King of Pop...lots..


Everything's in the above sentence, really.

Great scenery, taken by my brother.

Loved this little traditional Londonian house trapped in-between modern constructions.

London resumed in one shot.


Yes, we took this occasion to check out the "Summer of Sonic" convention.
And all I have to say about that, is this.

Met the CoolApe gang in real life!

We proceeded then to beat the s*** out of ZoDy.

Exploring the district around the hotel.


Another day, another place.
Some more visiting around.

...and more.


That's what I call an artsy shot.

This one's one of my favorites already.
Is it London now or did we travel to the past??

Another "artsy" shot~

Great unusual shots at the Bridge.

Okay, this one was just for kicks :P

'nuff said.

'nuff said!

Some more random.

Camden Street!
Hey! I bought some comics there!


What? All these pictures aren't serious enough for ya?


Meanwhile, at the Museum...

What a pleasant surprise it was, to find some pages from French comic book artist Enki Bilal! :D

Half a car, please.

That's one old school plane!

They're...on the WRONG SIDE OF THE STREET!! MY GOD!!

More goofing around.

"The Honest Sausage"

A little selection of pics from the London Zoo.

Random snake at the London Zoo.

Beatles Store!

The Sherlock Holmes Museum.
Kinda wish we had time to visit it too... :(

We kinda went a wee bit overboard with the Abbey Road shots :P

Another great shot!

Somewhere, around London.
Kinda surprise to see some real wild Squirrels outside parks!

Most impressive.

Alright, and here some randomz now!

Last breakfast at the Hotel.
Yep, I'm "classic" like that. Sorry typical-UK-breakfasts!

Got Fish and Chips?


"Summer of Sonic"-shirt + some Beanos bought there.

And that is all, and only a tiny glimpse at everything I've seen/done/eaten there! Woah!~


  1. Seeing photo picspams of my home city make me homesick, but in a good way.

    Hopw you had an awesome day!

  2. We almost got there..but with the Flight sheduled that same afternoon, with a train to take in the meantime...we had to cut short... (to be finally stranded on an airport for hours, with so much delay we almost went on a additional day in the UK...)
