Saturday, September 3, 2011

Converse DC Comics Collection

Remember those DC Comics shoe ads that have been appearing in lots of DC and Marvel comics lately?
Well, I found another one while reading an issue the other day...and thought I should try uploading all of them on the blog just to have a look!

It's kinda silly, sure, but a neat way to have a quick look at various designs of some DC characters over the years, including their all-new look of the reboot/relaunch/retcon-thingie.

Here's all of those I could find.
Are there more? Wonder Woman seems to be seriously lacking here..and don't "It's a girl"-me. Catwoman's got a pair of shoes of her own below!

(Click for bigger pic)

(Click for bigger pic)

© DC Comics

1 comment:

  1. of what...?! Of shoes obviously! What were you thinkin'???

