Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Legend of Zelda - Theme song!

You might have seen me do a lot of Zelda parodies lately... Here's one and one more.
Well, checking out some good ol' Zelda material had me thinking about the series....

Anyway, since I posted the intro of the old Mario cartoon not long ago, I wanted today to also post the Zelda cartoon intro now!

Here it is, in all its full HD glory nonetheless!

Say want you want, don't make your own opinion if you don't want to and follow some generic popular internet rants instead, you mindless sheep, you!... but speaking from facts.. this cartoon was actually pretty good.

Sure, it gave a personality to Link, which you might not like...
But the cartoon for an early adaptation, was pretty faithful. And fun. And had adventure!
It's not your NES Link, mind you... It was like in most games, just another incarnation of Link (and Zelda, and Ganon). The Princess even used to kick ass most of her screen time (which can't be said much of the in-game Zeldas...no, Sheik!Zelda or Tetra-Zelda *late-spoiler alert!* don't count!! I'm speaking of the Zelda-Zelda character!!)
And everything from the ambient music to the sound effects, character designs and plots contributed to the Zelda atmosphere...which can't be said much of other 80s/90s cartoon adaptations.. (Captain N, Karaté Kid, Rambo, etc...to name but a few other adaptations from the same era)

And, excuuuuuuuuse me, but I actually liked this Link!
He kinda suffered from what I call "Venkmanisation", which is a trend, following the successful Ghostbusters cartoon, which consisted in turning all main characters in kids cartoons into Peter Venkman, with all his characters traits from design/hair style/comportement/lazy attitude. See Captain Plane or James Bond Jr. for other examples! XD


  1. Though I won't turn out 100% Nintendo fan/Zelda fan from one day to another yet...
    I'm not really awaiting impatiently the new Zelda game, as fun, colorful and great as it might turn out.

    I've left the series some Zelda episodes behind, not because I didn't want to play them but because I'd like to play all of them and missed a few episodes since Winder Waker (namely, the DS and Wii episodes)

  2. Yeah with all the complaints you could make about the cartoon one could argue that the creators didn't really have much to go on especially for Link's character so they tried to make it fresh and such, and if I am not mistaken the Zelda cartoons even reference some of the solutions to entering dungeons from the NES game.

  3. ..therefore the cartoon was great!

    "complaints"? elaborate on that!

    Also, the problem with the game, despite how great they are. Is that link isn't a character. He doesn't have a personality cause he's a black empty space for the player to fill.
    Notice the games are called "Legend of ZELDA" afterall, not link. You can name him at the start of each game for a reason.
    It's not that don't have much to go on, he's just a blank character your emotions/perception of the game fills in, kinda like mute-Gordon Freeman in Half Life.

    Besides, I like douchey "Venkman-ysh" Link from the cartoon :'3
