Tuesday, April 17, 2012

#Drawing - Le meilleur hero dont on a jamais entendu parler

And here's more drawings!

First, one for the ladies :P

Some Bane, cause I just finished a book where he appeared in.


Booster: Allez, Skeets! La Ligue a besoin de nous!!
Skeets: M'enfin!...

Just something random, Bande Dessinée-style.

I was going after a Franquin look, but it ended up more like Didier Conrad's art style :P

And that is all for this time!
Hope you enjoyed! 


  1. That Bane looks fantastic! (And Booster ain't so bad, either.)

    1. That Booster was originally for the "thing" I'm currently writing for Boosterrific...until I saw the actual much better picture of Booster you've been using for all those blog posts!
