Monday, April 16, 2012

#Movie NEWS! New Amazing Spider-man pictures

And here's Spidey's turn with some new pics from Marc Webb's upcoming Amazing Spider-man movie reboot!

And lemme put this picture of the classic Lizard here to prepare you for the shock..
First is an actual screen from the movie's version of the Lizard, as he's going to appear in the movie itself, not some toy, merchandising, etc.



I mean, really?


Holy Sh....

My eyes!!! >___<

Okay, that's bad.
I mean, I'm sure the CGi will be spectacular, the action great, etc.
But design-wise? That's simply ugly!
I'm guessing they designed his face to look like the movie's Curt Connors. (the guy, pre-the Lizard, human)

Oh man.. I need something, quick, to clean my eyes...

Here, from the making of the movie:

Apparently, Spidey will have some web-slinging action incognito...?
Anyways, that was fun enough.
All better!


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