Wednesday, June 1, 2022

#SEGAnews Sonic Frontiers: World Premiere Gameplay | IGN First

So here it is. For once I waited for the "world premiere" and sat in front of IGN's upload on youtube. And here it is indeed:


Alright, so several points that immediately come to mind: 

- It looks like Sonic Team finally realized what the old Sonic 2006 teaser trailer promised, Sonic exploring a realistic environment. That's what this reminds me, the old original Sonic 2006 teaser with Sonic running in a plain and forest, fighting realistic robots.

- Inspired by the movies or not? The more realistic grounded "weird "worlds plus the design of the round robots make me think so. 

- It does looks as promised: Sonic in a sandbox environement, like something out of a FFXV or something... Sonic running aimlessly in what appears the sandbox world of some other game.

- For me it reminds me way too much of all these sandbox fangames... I would certainly prefer a more contained and level-based arcade experience. For me Sonic's always been the kind of arcade platformer you replay the same few levels constantly to get better each time, either grabbing the Chaos Emeralds quicker each time (2D games) or by getting better and better ranks each time (3D games). And this.. doesn't feel like that so far. I'll certainly dig playing this once, but a couple of games like this? hmmm... 

They're kinda selling this the opposite they did with Sonic Forces. Which showed zero gameplay but bits from the opening trailer, a sign of story elements, returning characters, etc. Here, we don't know if even Tails' in here!

All in all.. Wait and see...

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