Friday, April 30, 2010

What do you want from me??!

Okay guys! And girls!
Somebody still reading this?!

First of all... you can comment here! Don't be afraid!

I wanted to ask you guys n gals something, yes you reading me, I can see you!! (not really.)

What do you expect from this blog? What do you want to see here?
Moar reviews? Pictures? Drawings?
Games? Movies? Comics?

Write it down just below this!
Don't be afraid! C'me on!!

What do I wanted to write about?
I had some other movie reviews planned (less known ones, some horror or B movies maybe, the other Star Wars perhaps..)
I had some game reviews in mind (I'm kinda motivated for a Street Fighter or King of fighters marathon, or something about lesser known fighting games, perhaps continuing reviews about Resident Evil/Prince of Persia too, maybe Sega Saturn or Star Wars games too...)
And I had some other stuff in mind (talks about some obscure fun facts/trivia...2D games..)

Suggestions? Ideas? Wishlists?
Make you voice heard! (even if you're just 3 or 4 reading me!)


  1. Comics.
    Okay! Gotcha'

    From the pageviews I seemed to have, I think I have some people reading me here, but not much commenting ('sides you, of course) nor "following" this blog.

    I guess we all have to start somewhere, right ;)
    (I wasn't expecting to get all my dA pageviews/comments/watchers at once here!)

  2. Ultra-the-HedgehogMay 6, 2010 at 1:53 PM

    Well, I'm not exactly sure what you can do here that you can't do on your dA journals, but hey, I'm gonna stick around for a while and try to find out. :P

  3. It's mostly to keep only art-related stuff on dA
    and keep the nerd/geek stuff here on a blog.

    It would be more easy to find an older post/news/review on a blog than on dA journals :P

    Also I can post several news each days on a blog what on dA would annoy the kids watching me!
