Thursday, July 22, 2010

Comic NEWS! Batman: The Lantern and the Shazam! OUTRAGEOUS!!!

This Batman: The Brave and the Bold on the Wii is sure lookin' pretty fun!
And if the Boy and the blob on the Wii is anything to go by, Wayforward may be preparing some neat surprise in this...

Looks pretty fun~
Can't wait to play this one!
(PLEASE! Include Booster Gold!!! And a Flash!! Other Lanterns? Ted/Blue Beetle?! Some characters which didn't appear yet on the Brave and the Bold??)


  1. No plastic man for the wii?? :(

  2. But let's cross our fingers for a lot of playable characters!
    *we want Ted Blue Beetle as well! we want Ted Blue Beetle as well! and Booster GOLD!!*
