Thursday, July 22, 2010

Comic NEWS! SDCC: A buncha Marvel news!

The Comic-Con just started.
There's been a couple nice news here and there...
So I wanted to post a little bit about some Marvel-related stuff~

First off, let's have a quick recap of all the currently newly announced characters for Marvel Vs. Capcom 3!

Pretty kickass mock-up cover. I would love to have this as a poster.
Marvel side:
Doctor Doom & Super-Skrull (both from the Fantastic Four), Thor + all previously revealed characters (Captain America, Hulk, Ironman, Deadpool & Wolverine)

Capcom side:
Amaterasu (Okami), Trish (Devil May Cry), Chun-Li + all previously revealed characters (Ryu, Chris Redfield, Dante, Morrigan & Felicia)

Wow! Pretty nice so far! Not counting the characters we could guess from the previews and the "final" boss, Dormammu.
 I hope they don't use too much from the same franchises (already 2 Devil'sMayCry characters?? What's up with that!?) and pick some original choices too~

Marvel's just announced there very own new cartoon, and as always it was pretty logical and you could see it comin' from miles aways.
With a future Avengers movie on the makin', you knew they would surf on that occasion, and present you Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

Heh... Nice...and weird...
Looks, err.. funky! Probably end up watchable and maybe fun~
I like Wasp, usually :P
But I don't really like her design in this :/
The others are correct, shall we say.

And finally new stuff about Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions!

I tried to guess what the developers could use for the last 4th dimension, if they wanted to use an original universe/characters or gameplay... Well.. 'guess I was wrong.

(Re-)Introducing Ultimate Spider-man!!

And it was just under our noses in fact:

Who is the last one?! Who is that guy??''s...huh..A black suit Spider-man, heh?...

Well, I suppose they wanted to keep a symbiote around, since kids love Venom & symbiotes...
And since all video games had a symbiote in it since Ultimate Spider-man the game/Spider-man 3 the game...


And and it looks like it will plays mostly the same as Symbiote-Spidey in Web of Shadows.
At least it will be cel-shaded!

Let's check out all the announced villains too:

Kraven for the Classic Spidey. Nice. I specially dig the colorful look of this "dimension".

Norman for the Spider-Man Noir. Ok, I'll say it here and I'll say it once... I've never really liked the Noir-verse... I dunno... Might be the whole "Marvel universe emo"-thing going on in this 'verse!
Plus this Norman's butt ugly.

Hobgoblin for the 2099. Well... Couldn't they use actual 2099 characters instead of making this one up?
At least...he looks pretty cool!

Hammerhead looks like a pretty logical and nice choice for Spidey Noir.

Ok, you guys got me with this one!
Isn't Juggernaut usually associated with the X-men franchise, Marvel's got the rights back?
Great idea, and it will change from the usual Rhino fight for the Classic Spider-man dimension.

Scorpion 2099???
This one's badly designed... Rob Liefeld created some better designs in the 90s! Come on!
Couldn't they pull out Venom 2099? Or at least Vulture 2099, that was one helluva archenemy for O'Hara!... -sigh-

Vulture Noir. Well, I guess there's a Vulture fight in every single Spider-man game from Activision, so...
A bit weird/ghoulish/emo..but that's what you have to expect from Spider-man Noir!

I luv teh 'Pool...usually. But STOP PUTTING WADE WILSON EVERYWHERE MARVEL!! You ruining a perfectly fine character!!
Hey, it's Ultimate Deadpool! He's usually pretty serious and stuff...but he seems to be funny/breakin' the fourth wall in this game... -re-sigh-
Deadpool's totally the Wolverine of the 2010s....

Some great villains.
Some not-so great...
So far so good, I'd say! Original stuff, content and ideas...and some less fun choices...
But the game's still looking nice!

Here's the latest San Diego Comin-Con-ysh trailer:

Oh, this trailer also reveals Carnage for Ultimate Spidey!

Anyway, I will probably pick this one up (in second hand) just for this alone:

And probably that to... though I don't really wanna pre-order from Amazon just for the guy...



  1. But 2 Devil May Cry characters seems a bit much too mee!
    MvC2 had 1 Ghost Rider character (blackheart), 1 Doctor Strange chara (Shuma-Gorath), 1 Resident Evil (Jill)... sure there was 2/3/more for the fightin' series (SF, Darkstalkers,...) and big franchises (Megaman, Avengers..) but not too much of the individual non-fightin' series.
    (that's why I would prefer only 1 Devil's May Cry! That random girl from DMC is stealing another more deserving character's place in the roster!)

  2. Oh, and I'm kinda sad they didn't come up with a more original 4th Spider-universe...
    -sigh- Spider-girl where are you!? :(
