Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Blog: Black Lanterns

I came back from work today...
And look what I found in the mail:

Looks like my Blackest Night Green Lantern comics finally arrived!

Yeah, I kinda prefer following my comics in trade than in issues. The stories seem more...unified that way~
And I decided to add some stuff I've missed in the past as well alongside these.

Should I put a review of the Black Lanterns on my blog one of these upcoming weeks?
Or some other GL comics, like Alan Scott, Kyle Rayner's run or others...?


  1. I got no rings (and merch' for that matter), but at least I got the books! :P

  2. I find collected trades more engaging than individual issues. Everything is right there for you in "chapters." With single issues, I always keep forgetting what happened last month.

    Larfleeze is so amusing. I liked his origin story.

  3. Exactly!
    I prefer this "novel"-type of format over the monthly one.
    The stories work better, and most are designed to be read as chapters rather than individual issues nowadays anyway!
