Saturday, September 25, 2010

DeletedScenes - about the Street Fighter costumes, again

Remember when I made a post recently about the new upcoming DLC alternate costume for Super Street Fighter 4?

Well, the thing I had against that was that it was quite a cheap way to make profit on something that should have been in the game from the beginning. (like, you know, all the others fighters such as the recent Soul Calibur 4, Tekken 6, DoA4 and even a new 2D fighter like King Of Fighters XIII will have costumes, and it's more complicated than 3D models!)
And offering new costumes for that much?... They could make a big bundle all-in-one from the start and cheaper too!
Or make more costumes, not just one per character...
Fan communities make mods for the PC version just as professional and for free! They don't earn a profit,

Anyway, the main problem was also that apart from 2-3 costumes that were throwbacks and references to earlier games or artworks, they don't seem that much inspired this time around.
Even less than SF4 and SSF4 first batch of their own costumes. And these news are all-new, meaning not present on the disc currently, they spent time working on those since the release!!

Well, here's costume I would have paid for, a bit more creative, and all straight from Capcom's own concepts in this book:

Capcom already planned but scrapped a lot of costume concepts.

They were a bit more original creative-wise, at least in my eyes.
Sure one or two aren't that great (like Dudley below, the actual new costume is better with that gentleman "touch"). But they are mostly more original (Makoto!), truer to the characters (Ryu!) and more fan oriented (look at GUY!! I'd almost, almost!, pay for just his costume!)

So here goes:





They're simply more fun!
It seems that when money wasn't involved, when the team cracked down some costumes on the paper, they were a bit more free on the direction and tried many things.
Sure, Ken's not the more original one here. But I would finally play with Seth or Vega a bit more if they used these suits!
Ibuki, Makoto, Juri have fantastic costumes here! Great ideas!
Love the references, be it Chun Li's Lara Croft costume or Xiaoyu (from Tekken) costume, and Guy/Strider. Kinda reminds me of the funny parody/references costumes in KOF Maximum Impact.

All in all I would be a bit more happy about the upcoming costume pack if they added a 2nd costume per character in it, inspired by those above.


  1. And I add in my own comments, how I would love to have Juri using this costume here over the actual default or 2 DLC ones (current and upcoming).

  2. Yep, all those ones :P
    Aw Yeah! :'3

  3. Def on the Guy/Strider and that Cammy needs to happen. Who's in the pink under Makoto? Is that Juri?

  4. Yep, that's a ninja-like Juri!

    too bad those aren't the actual costumes, but scrapped ideas...

  5. SO SLICK. I can't wait to get my copy of the art book. Given the many restrictions(technical, monetary, time, licencing, esrb ratings, etc.), it's still a shame these weren't used. Or in some cases used to a greater degree.

    So much wasted greatness! If only there were 10 alternates for every character. Or at least adequate freedom and assets to truly do justice to the concept art.

    I love the Makoto/Sakura concept progression. "Shirt on pants off? Pants on shirt off ? Half top, tight shorts! School girl... loose shirt... and a bag. School girl with a blazer!!!"

    I'll just start studying now and maybe in 5 years I can hack the PC game and give these designs their dues.

    Thanks for sharing.

  6. I guess those required too much extra work (the actual DLC costumes are much simpler).

    I'd like if they had something similar to Soul Calibur/Tekken alternate costumes. That you can play around with.

  7. Well, some of the designs look SNK-ish because he designed for KOFXI and promotional posters for KOFXII, his name is Hiroaki. He also designed every background in SSFIV menus. Godly artist in my opinion.

  8. I find the actual SF3/SSF4 to be actually pretty SNK-ysh. Look at the new guys. Juri, Abel, Crimson Viper, Rufus, El Fuerte, Seth... I could easily visualize SNK KOF98/KOF10 sprits for tham!

    He's a great artist for sure!
