Thursday, December 2, 2010

Rob Liefeld - on Deadpool

Trolls like to hate on Rob Liefeld nowadays on teh interwebz..
But some years ago it was people buying his stuff that made him the super-popular artist he came to be!

Even his portrait screams EXTREEEEME!!

Anyway, I still find it quite impressive how a guy like him, I never did any art school, came to define the art direction of most comics from the 90s.
Sure he may had some problems with proportions and/or feet. But he never aimed to draw realistically (it's called "stylized").

Give him some slack, the guy didn't became popular by himself, it was people loving and buying his stuff that made him more than he was. Then all the other artists started copying his art style.
In reality he seems like a pretty down-to-earth and humble guy.

He created so many characters.. Many bad ones sure, but as many very good ones that still live to this day!

Who doesn't like Cable - the future son of Cyclops from another universe??

Or Domino - that lethal assassin with luck?

Or also Deadpool - the merc with a mouth?

Speakin' of Deadpool, since he's today post subject,
Deadpool was in fact co-created with Fabian Nicieza.
Liefeld designed and imagined 'pool's background. But it was in his later series that he was fleshed out as a wise-crackin' merc.
In his first appearance he was more like a Spider-man-like mercenary (the complete opposite of Peter's personality and job-wise). A bit crazy, quite serious in his mercenary business and lethal.

And now, here's a little interview courtesy of crazycatcomics on youtube:

You can say what you want about the guy, he looks motivated and interested in his characters. And he doesn't bs people like, say J. Quesada.

 Though I think most of what he's saying about Deadpool's character came later on, without him, under~ Nicieza and Joe Kelly's writing.

1 comment:

  1. He never said he was a great artists with amazing skills...he was just a kid that publishers promoted like crazy and everything went spiralling out of control from there!
    Plus people used to love his style!
    (most of the guys complaining about it online used to love it, they're just angry emo haters :/)

    I say, if you don't like something...heh...don't buy it/read it/try it! No need to complain like crazy!

    *Hitler...!!!! What?!?!! X__X

    Anyway, Liefeld seems like a nice down to earth kind of guy.
