Monday, April 25, 2011

AtoZ - A is for... The Atom

Just for fun, I guess I improvised a new challenge for m'self.
I'm gonna make an alphabet of superheroes! ( everybody else these days, probably... but wait! I'm gonna DRAW it! yep!)

Eyz' ComicBook Alphabet Challenge! 
Today, A is for... The Atom!!

I'm gonna select some of my personal favorite characters.
I'll be taking your ideas too into consideration! (here or on deviantArt)

So I'll start today with the Atom! The Ryan Choi Atom.
Just because.
I like both Atoms Ryan and Ray Palmer, and would have loved seeing some sort of team-ups between those two...sadly...the awful Titans on-going series killed him off in its first issue...Blah... :/

Today's character is © by DC comics

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