Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Gamin' NEWS! PSO2 news

Sega just released a bunch of info and new material about the upcoming Phantasy Star Online 2.

This true sequel to the Dreamcast original is for the moment only scheduled on PC for this week (in Japan)!
I've never been a big online player.
And it was only on PSO back in the day that I spent so many hours on a multiplayer game. I still remember planning free time with buddies and playing the online mode for hours, literally.

This one will be  a real new episode, no more PSO Episodes (like 1&2 on the DC, PS2 and Gamecube or the card game Episode 3).
Thanks to the experience they had from Phantasy Star Universe on the PC and due to the big success of the recent Phantasy Star Portable games they finally decided to make a new proper HD title in the PSO series.

For now, no console port are expected :/

Here's some pics now:

It's looking great (and familiar!)

And the trailer just released a day ago:

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