Monday, April 18, 2011

Gamin' NEWS! SSF4Turbo3DremixHDDeluxeChampionship bis Alpha2.5


Guys...this is not a drill...

Remember the arcade edition of SSF4, and its recently announced DLC port (which I've been following on this blog via various posts on the past, just check out this label)
Check out this picture which has been circulating the web - this is not a fake!

Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition!
It seems someone at Capcom just change idea.
It looks like something which will come out on retail release, on disc!

I'm still hoping a DLC variant will be available, after all Ono said: "SSF4 will be download content friendly this time."
Then again, they also announced that Dead Rising 2 mod.

Looks like an updated version of SSF4 will hit every store.
Ono also added "The arcade edition will be the last version of SF4". So let's hope it stays true though neither rushing a Street Fighter 5 too soon.

Here's the latest additions to the cast:

- Evil Ryu from the Alpha series.
- Oni Akuma/Shin Gouki from..huh.. SNK vs. Capcom (?)
- Yun & Yang from the SF3 series!

And it will tweak gameplay details, change the online mode a bit, add up championship variations, new replays, etc..
The "arcade edition" will be available on June 7th 2011.

Here's a better look at the new SSF4 artwork:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. @Frob: Yeah, that's what I understood.
    I guess...if all costume are also on disc...I could also get the disc based version. Just to "challenge" my Street Fighter 3 collection! XD
