Thursday, June 30, 2011

Blog - somewhere in Bulgaria

Here's an interesting look for a monument in Sofia, Bulgaria.

It was originally a statue celebrating the 1944 "liberation" of Bulgaria.

The giant monument was built to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Russian ‘liberation’ of Bulgaria in 1944.
It is regarded as the prime example of the forceful socialist-realism of the period.
The giant monument was built to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Russian ‘liberation’ of Bulgaria in 1944.It is regarded as the prime example of the forceful socialist-realism of the period.

“The figures of Soviet soldiers at the base of a Soviet Army monument have been transformed into superheroes in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, reported the Daily Mail.
“Twenty years ago you would have been shot for stepping too close to this monument in Sofia in Bulgaria.

But some "vandals" (as some might call 'em, I prefer "street artists") updated the monument some years ago.

What d'you make of it?

Courtesy from scans-daily.

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