Wednesday, August 31, 2011

DC News! Arkham City + Superman movie news

Here's some DC Comics-related news!

First up, a look at some alternate costumes from the upcoming Batman: Arkham City game!

I don't like the fact they're sort of annoying fans by planning all these superb costumes for the game.

Besides the ugly "way too realistic" Batman Beyond skin and the Batman Strikes Again skin (but that's because I have to admit, I'm absolutely not a fan of Frank Miller and his "famous" alternate-future storyline), they all look great. The current comics (pre-reboot!) Batman Inc-style costume and 70s blue Batman are fantastic! And the cartoony Bruce Timm-Batman is quite kickass. They all sort of make the in-game actual default model looks boring (though I like its big pointy bat-ears).

And why is it annoying (as I wrote above)?
Because the game won't come with all these inside, nor the Deluxe/Collector's Edition.
They're currently all planned pre-order bonuses. Now, I know America's all crazy about pre-order, etc. But the rest of the world, that is 88% of the rest of us (not counting some big cities in Canada, Australia, etc.) don't use to pre-order. So we won't be able to get those. Except through the later DLC, which is even miles away from "good". I mean, I'd love to play as the modern or blue-ysh Batman, but I'm sure as heck not paying extra REAL LIFE cash for a virtual costume for Batman :/

Anyway, on another note...
And it seems secondary playable characters will also get extra costumes.
Such as Robin!
Since his reveal, lots of fans were disappointed by how ugly and gangsta he looked. I mean it was terrible!
It's supposed to be the 3rd "90s" Robin, Tim Drake. But he looks like a mix between a bad criminal/Unreal Engine-designed young thug and current 4th/5th-ysh Robin Damian Wayne.

I've seen lots of fans trying to fix his model, simply with colors and minor alterations.

But thanks to the alternate costumes (DLC/Pre-order bonuses as well) you'll be able to play with either the cartoony Bruce Timm-inspired Robin and his "Red Robin" persona (pre-reboot as well!) which I'm a big fan of!

Superman now!
You remember that reboot by Zack Snyder, Superman: Man of Steel?
We couldn't have a clear look, see how his costume would actually look like in that promotional shot...

Well, not anymore thanks to these leaked pics:

Looks like this September reboot/relaunch/retcon's costume from the comics...
No red pants, messy details/lines....

Awww man :(
Fanboysm aside, it's kinda bad. I mean pretty ugly. Stylistically and iconographic-wise.
It's not modern or anything, just...a very "busy" design.

Why are Hollywood stylists currently over-designing costumes in movies lately?...


  1. An Adam west costume would be great, however you would have to change Batman's fighting style considerably to make it work. Batman must be an unskilled fighter and camp with homosexual tendencies. That's the 60s Batman hahahahahaha!

  2. Just add POW Bubbles whenever he hits someone and it will work.
