Tuesday, November 22, 2011

TV News! DC Announces Booster Gold on-going tv series!! FOR REAL THIS TIME!

Remember this April's Fool?
Well, the joke's become an actual news!

The Syfy Channel will be picking an actual TV Pilot based on Booster Gold as part of a Warner Bros./DC Comics deal.

You can read more on that at the hollywoodreporter.com
They've ordered a pilot for a one-hour drama based on the character
The story will have Booster as a washed-up athlete from the future who goes back in time hoping to become the world's greatest superhero. As in the comics, his focus is on fame and fortune.
COULD BE AWESOME, if done well!
I think this project as a lot more chance and possibilities than the way Warner was developing that Wonder Woman TV Show.

And I do like Syfy current shows quite a lot, great directors and writers around that channel. (like Warehouse 13, Eureka, Haven, Alphas... so many well done shows, even on small budgets)


  1. 1. Anything could be awesome "if done well."

    2. Everything with Booster Gold in it is already awesome by definition.

    3. Whether or not this is done well, IT WILL BE AWESOME.

  2. Obviously, but I still think some subjects shouldn't venture outside their original medium.
    These future boardgames/toys turned into movies? not great ideas if you ask me. Ambush Bug in a live movie? I hope not. And just look at all those awful fighting games-movie adaptations...

    I have high hopes for this. The crew behind Warehouse 13, the ex producer of Fringe and Booster Gold on the current SyFy channel? It all sounds pretty promising.

    At least we'll get a fun, exciting light hearted pilot if not a whole show.
