Sunday, December 11, 2011

How to Start Your Own Country

Remember Danny Wallace? He's the guy who got all those kids in the UK involved in politics!

In 2005, Danny Wallace got really interested in what you need to do to start your own country nowadays.
The humo(u)rist produced a sort of interactive TV series, using feedback from fans and ideas on his forum boards to create "his country", name it, define it, etc..
Now, BBC took down all his forums, the micronation even not as prominent as originally intended still lives on (partly Internet-based though).

The whole project and documentary can be found on DVD now, but you can still find most of its important parts on the internet.

How to Start Your Own Country!
It all started when Danny got interested on the whole process..
Sure it looked silly at first.
Here's Danny Wallace interview on London's LBC...

Then, the movement launched, Danny needed some citizens...
So, logically, he went to Denmark to enlist some folks!

The movement was going on anyway. Some detractors wouldn't believe it, but things were starting to take form!

(On the tube, Danny met a random guy, Crazy Man!


Now, all he needed was some actual land.
He tried to conquer some place by force...

Danny Wallace Invades an island!

It was finally decided he would start a micronation from his own flat in Bow, London.
The country he created was eventually named "Lovely". The Kingdom of Lovely would be governed by Danny, its king. (creator and ruler)
The Kingdom of Lovely became a partly Internet-based official micronation.
Lovely has (on the last check) 58,165 citizens registered on its website.
And finally, "citizens of Lovely are invited to declare a room, or some other building or land belonging to them, to be an embassy for the country by taking a photograph displaying Lovely's flag there."

Here's a summary-video in two parts:

...and last but not least, enjoy the awesome original Kingdom of Lovely Anthem!

And I'd like to point out Lovely still exists!
They just moved from forum to forum to forum... Currently you can find Lovely at

So put up your Lovely Flag and be proud to help out the Kingdom of King Danny!~

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