Thursday, June 28, 2012

#BestOf He-Man - The Arena

It's He-Man vs. Skeletor!
The kids gloves are off!
It's ON!

I just love this good ol' cheap animation by Filmation.
Masters of the Universe rocks!!
Look at dat fight!
It's SO EPIC!!!!
Skeletor is the bestest villain evah!!

In a way, it's "so bad it's good" (as the kids say it), like the old Star Trek. You know it's cheap. You know the action is dull. but maybe it's the silly stock sounds, maybe the music, anyway you just can't take you eyes off it.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I remember reading about that comic a while ago :P
    But, I'm not really a fan of He-Man. Sure, I love ol' Skeletor, but I'm really not that invested or interested in the Masters of the Universe-universe. (pun!)

    Sure, I love the ol' cheap animation and awesome voice acting featured here above, but it's not like I actually like the characters/story!

    *inclines head to the back, and laughs like an idiot* NyaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
