Monday, June 10, 2013

#Blog - Games, E3 and news

Hey dudes and dudettes!

Here's a little quick post to let you know on a few things. I'll run through it in a quick fake-Q&A type of thingie:

- Hey Eyz, why aren't talking about the (upcoming) new consoles such as the Wii U, Xbox 1(???!) and PS4?
Well, I don't care much about the new consoles for one. I'm more interested in the games themselves, I let the "console war" for you kids on youtube or whatever. Also, I'm pretty sure many other (more professional) blogs and new journals out there discuss that long and through already. Why should I need to do the same?

- Hey, Eyz! Why aren't you reporting the games at E3 this year, you know, just quick news posts and whatnot?
Well, simply put, I don't have a job this year, so my heart's less in it. I don't care much nor follow as much video game news these days. I'll probably post some of the videos that caught my eye at the end of it though. Need actual news on those? Follow some random video game website or twitter feed. Want just my opinion on these? That can wait once the dust has settled.

And, that is it for now. I guess.

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