Saturday, July 25, 2015

ComicPageOfTheWeekend: What If... The Punisher's family hadn't been killed?

He would have become and even bigger psycho, apparently.

(Click for bigger pic)

What If... © Marvel Comics


  1. A crazy guy if Ennis/Dillon's classic run is anything to go by.

  2. Classic What-If logic; if someone doesn't die, then something even WORSE will happen.
    Gwen not dying; BAD!
    Frank's family not dying; BAD!!!
    Uncle Ben not dying; BAAAAAD!!!!

    1. I always saw these What Ifs stories as Marvel trying to prove the way their stories ran was a lot better even if you didn't like their choice.

      A way to say: See?? The official story was much better the way we originally did it. If Uncle Ben had survived/If One More Day didn't happen/If Captain America didn't die in Civil War/etc. it would have been A LOT WORSE!!

    2. Funny that they haven't done a what-if about OMD
