Friday, May 15, 2020

#GamingNEWS Shantae and the Seven Sirens - Teaser Trailer

I've been certainly more quiet over this ol' blog in these last few months.

These are some crazy times we're livin' in. And some people definitively aren't helping the situation.

Not to go into full details about work, but let's just say all things considered this has been the worst year of my life EASY. And the same goes for my work colleagues...


We're here to talk g33k stuff, aren't we? And something that was a light of hope amidst a really long and difficult day...

The new trailer and the announcement of the mainstream consoles port of Shantae and the Seven Sirens! Along with the Limited Run physical release pre-order. And here it is:

Thank you, Wayforward, for bringing this into our life!

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