Thursday, July 22, 2010

Gamin' NEWS! MvC3 new footage!

Thanks to Frobman for the heads-up!~

New Marvel vs Capcom 3 footage, showing 4 new characters in action!!

Super Skrull looks pretty fun to play as! Love his Fantastic Four-style attacks!
Though is 3D model looks a bit...err..bland/boring to me?... (like he doesn't seem right, be it in color or structure... I dunno...)
The others, Doom & Chun-Li (woow! Never thought I'd wrote those 2 names side by side one day..) look fantastic!
The final character...that blonde girl..err.. she's from Devil May Cry, right? Well, dunno...don't care~

Let's hope there's tons of more characters to be revealed!~
(perhaps some original choices on Marvel's side, Squirrel Girl? Daredevil? Ghost Rider? not just Cable and Cyclops, and random popular X-men/Avengers.. and some cult fun-looking Capcom ones too, like Captain Commando, any Megaman, the Bionic Commando, etc... and not just fighting game fighters!)


  1. Didn't they announce Frank yet? Oh... nope..right.
    I hope so!
    I'd rather have him than Chuck from Deadrising 2 :P

    I hope they use more characters in this than Tatsunoko Vs Capcom!!
    The MvC series was known for it's ton of characters! I don't want just 10 Marvel charas and 10 Capcoms! I want mooooore! MORE!!

  2. Seems about right...but..MvC2 was known for his ton of characters! This sure looks like a step back in my eye...oh well... :(

    (and no, 3D characters doesn't justify it!)
