Thursday, September 9, 2010

Movie NEWS! Comic movies update!

Here's a new round-up off the upcoming new Comic Movies adaptations!


First up, Captain America: The First Avenger!
We can finally have a good look at Cap's costume, thanks to some shots taken during its production.
His costume, the shield (pictured above), some henchmen and some old school vehicles of the era.

As you can see, in the costume it's not Chris Evans, the actor playing Steve Rogers, but a stuntman.
(or an older Captain? some other "character" in the suit..?)
Anyway, the suit looks good. Very Ultimate Marvel-ysh. The helmet makes me think of those awful TV movies of Captain America (not the watchable later movie with the great costume)

Here's some more shots:

I like those Rocketeer-like henchmen! Old school!

A little info about the new Ghost Rider movie.
Yep, another one!
I kinda liked the first one, despite how supra-powerful the Rider was and how easily he defeated those "boss fights". And Blackheart, the main foe, was pretty stupid and kinda lame.. Oh well... At least the Rider looked great, there was a ghost horse on fire, Sam Elliot and the Rider even used his "Penance Stare" (TM), something I wouldn't even imagine someone adapting live in a movie ever!

So the movie will be called Ghost Rider: Spirits Of Vengeance. It is written by David S. Goyer, Nicky will be back as the torso for the good ol' CGi flammehead and it will be directed by Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor who made the movie Crank.

It is supposed to take place some years later after the first one, Johnny Blaze is on the run, still kickin' demon's ass and such...
The movie will be darker and more violent.. but I guess producers say that for every new super hero movie now these days, specially after the Dark Knight...

And finally, some stuff about the new lackbuster straight from the super-duper producers at 20th Century Fox, the brilliant minds behind such "classics" as Elektra, the Fantastic Four and X-Men 3... -sigh-
X-Men First Class! A movie which just finally started after adding to the cast a ton of unnecessary more charaters to an already convulted mass characters-filled movie...

It will be a prequel in the Fox's X-Men movies, taking places in the 60s... and...oh god... that's already too much right there..
I would have prefered an in-movie-universe Marvel flick X-Men. Not another Fox' movie. Another lackbuster..
It's not even a real movie, but a cheap cash-in, 20th Century Fox is only making this movie to keep the rights before they revert back to Disney/Marvel, they even admitted it!!
(like they'll be doing with the Fantastic Four soon too)

Anyway, the whole concept sounds crazy...

Moving on!

Here's a first look at Emma Frost, the White Queen. Who's in fact an 80s/90s character (and with her current "interpretation" being from the 2000s).
Couldn't they use like Quick Silver or the Scarlet Witch instead? Those would be great for a story taking place in the sixties.. (I completly hate this concept as well.. it could have been an excuse to use retro costumes, the original X-Men First Class characters.. instead.. we won't have Cyclops but Havok..making the movie Summers Brothers completly unrelated..)

I see...double!!

Sure, her costume's not as skimpy as the comic one...Rather, she looks soviet-ysh.
Call me pessimistic, I'm not really feeling this direction...


  1. I still the think the original 90s Captain America was pretty good (this one not the Red Brown tv flicks)
    For exemple, they did get most of the story and characters right...
    Will the Red Skull look at least half as good?...

    About X-Men "0", well, look at the Charles Xavier they cast a kid named Laurence Belcher!...
    Don't expect anything to make sense in this movie! Remember "Psylocke" in X-men 3? Well, neither did I! :P

  2. Best scene ever!
    Well, I found it funny~
    Kids these days..
