Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Deadpool is patrolling YOUR streets!

Either Deadpool finally made it past the 4h wall...or some loony is kinda taking the whole "Super heroes" a bit much seriously.

Anyway, a guy's "protecting the streets" of Wenatchee, in north-central Washington city. A city of approximately 30,000 residents.
He's donning so by doning Deadpool's trademark costume and posting flyers all over the street.

Nowadays, it's not uncommun to see "real life" superheroes in small towns. What with all their popularity these days and all those movies Hollywood keeps putting out.
But usually they make their own super hero identity.
This guy decided to go for Marvel Comics' own "Merc With A Mouth". (Disney/Marvel will probably send him a lawsuit by the end of the week)
This is dangerous PR for Marvel, on one hand he's doing free advertisement for one of their B-Listers..on another, this could backfire...imagine the press and the medias all over Marvel if this guy ended up dead or beaten in a dark alley...yuck...

Wenatchee's Deadpool said he chose his character "because I allied with his humor and his ideal that what once was bad can become something better and good. .... And not his outlook on heroism or his methods." [...] Deadpool said the idea to dress up and help people "just came to me one day."
He acknowledged, however, that the costume thing has its drawbacks. It makes him hot when the sun's out, and it seems to put some people off.
"I tried to help a woman out of the rain the other day and she didn't really want to take my umbrella," he said. "I think she was kind of intimidated."
Deadpool has been putting up flyers around town so people know what he's up to and won't be alarmed when he rushes to help them. He asks anyone who needs help with just about anything to contact him via email at ncwdeadpool@hotmail.com.

So, you wanna help and picked up the crazy killer/psychopath/mercenary from Marvel's library? The walkin' lunatic, the regeneratin' degenerate?
(I'm waiting for the moment he'll declare it's because he read my Heroes! parody)

Anyway. we'll all sleep better knowing there's DEADPOOL patrolling ANOTHER city than ours :P

(your costume rocks!)
(and can you confirm you're not actually working for Marvel, simply doing some viral marketing for an upcoming movie??)

"Hello l~aaady..."
"Awww..." :(

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