Friday, June 24, 2011

FanFilmFriday: Power Girl

Today, while I'm away and you're reading this automatic post I wrote in advance, I wanted to have some more fanfilm videos from the guys at Blinky Productions.

 This time featuring the too much overlooked fun DC heroine, Power Girl!
First off, the video that made people discover the crew of Blinky Productions originally, a couple years ago.

Power Girl: The Classifieds is a fun lil' fan film done in the spirit of the firsts Amanda Conner-drawn Power Girl stories (back in the JSA Classified comics).
It's pretty funny, simple. It was filmed with almost no budget but a helluva motivation and inspiration, and all off this over a course of only 2 months!

Power Girl takes some time off, searches for lil' jobs to do in the meantime and acts, well, as Power Girl ends up acting like.

This film stars Tawnya Manion as PG who makes a fantastic real Kara El, and I'm not only saying that because of the costume, honest! She surely looks the part, and perfectly captures the way Conner portrayed the character in the books.

But wait!
If you liked that, there's more!
Then, some time later, a few years back, they made another PG movie!

This time featuring Bizarro as well in I'm Power Girl Dammit!!


This, once more, only goes to show what incredible stuff fans can do with only their motivation and interest unlike Hollywood and its thousand billion dollars movies....


Videos courtesy of Blinky Productions.