Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Batman Arkham City DLC

So Robin, the last character DLC for Batman: Arkham City was released yesterday!

I actually really like how Robin was handed here.
I personally only play him in his Red Robin guise, since I dislike the gangsta/thug head-shaved Prison Break-style from the game. Just such a silly "gritty" design for Tim Drake (who looks too much Damian Wayne for my taste here) . Kids will love it, I'm sure. But I find it so plain bad and boring...

Red Robin rocks!

It was all fun and games...though I'd wished for these following ideas.

It was nice to have Robin and Nightwing (and Catwoman) added to the game via DLC.
But It's too bad they're only available in the survival mode "Challenges" in either the Predator Maps (stealth levels) or the Combat Maps. Not in the main game/&in the open world Arkham City map.

(WARNING! This is a post where I wish for things that they didn't do, I know there's a lot of content in the game, but this is what I'd have added anway)

I wish they'd offer a little campaign for both Robin and Nightwing, like Catwoman has those 5 episodes interlaced in the main campaign.
At least one episode each, since they're adding them to the game later, unlike the "Catwoman-on-the-disc-though-you-need-internet-to-unlock-her".

For example, Nightwing could have add a little campaign, setting him free to roam in Gotham, where you'd have to get to a point on the map (or roam free)  to face Two-Face! Harvey's got such little screentime in this game...Harvey! One of Batman's most important foes/classic enemies/well known and loved villains.
Plus Nightwing/Dick Grayson Vs. Two-Face is such a common occurence in the comics, from their ol' original Golden Age comics to the later modern Year One stories, Dark Victory, Battle for the Cowl, etc..
Nightwing can't glide since he doesn't have a cape? Not a problem! Catwoman doesn't either! Just let Dick parkour around the city!

And Robin/Tim Drake could have a little episode in the same fashion (possibility to either do the mission or free roam), where you'd have to face Black Mask! Another underused character! He's present in the game, 3D in-game model and all..only he doesn't do anything in the end! You see him 3 seconds at the start and then...nothing!

Combat maps are fun...for a while. I know the younger gamers love 'em, just see how many of these videos are uploaded on youtube, but combat gets boring and repetitive.
It's far from my favorite part of the game.
(I prefer the stealth challenges, button mashing? not for me :/)

Anyway, I know the DLC will stop after the upcoming last one (a costume pack with all the pre-order costumes), but here's what I would have done after that if it was up to me...

That's right, I wouldn't stop at Robin.
I would love it if they could offer Batgirl/Cassandra Cain!

The two Batman Arkham games feel like a sausage fest. There's big muscly bulky thugs in every corner. At least they added Catwoman to join the ranks of Harley and Ivy as sole female characters.
But even so, they're all very sexy/bimbo-ified/not-wearing-a-lot gals.
(actually I'm lying, thank god there's also a kickass Talia Al'Ghul...who ends up kidnapped by the villain...mmh.. :( )

Adding Cass would change that a bit.
She could fit the tone of the game.
(no need to change her perfect character design!!)
Though you could also play as Black Bat if she'd have an alternate costume!

But wait!!

I'd also had Batgirl/Stephanie Brown!
If it was up to me, I'm saying.

Sure, she would stand out, with her purple fun retro-ysh costume...and so what??
The game would be perfect for me if there were:
- A playable Nightwing episode
- A playable (Red) Robin episode
- A 1st Batgirl Pack 
- And a 2nd Batgirl Pack

I know some would love more costumes...more challenge rooms...or a 3rd game simply!
But that would be enough for me :P

Oh wait, a Spoiler alternate costume as well.

Anyway, that's my two-cents ideas :'3
I'll be back playing with Red Robin this evening~

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