Friday, September 14, 2012

#Gaming NEWS! Bayonetta's back!

Did ya guys get to watch that live Nintendo conference yesterday?

Is it only me or is the only actual surprise/newly announced title Platinum Games' upcoming Bayonetta 2?
I mean, I don't usually care about new systems much. (currently playing through a bunch of most excellent Sega Saturn games!) But it seems all they announced was that lame Nintendo Land-gimmicky-thingie, various ports of PS3/Xbox 360 games (Assassin's Creed 3, Mass Effect 3, Arkham people still need/want to play those? without any of the first episodes on the Wii U system/Wii before?)

And then, Sega surprises with this Wii U exclusive!

How fun!
How random!

Anyway here's the trailer:

Don't mind much the trolls going all "rage" and "hate" about unfair or bad it is that this new title will be Nintendo exclusive. "Back in my day", we had exclusives like this all the time! Just look at the Sparkster/Rocket Knight series!
Do you guys really need to play everything/can't miss a game/can't buy another system? Geeks...

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