Monday, October 22, 2012

#Design - various custom cover art

Please! Do not ask for these! This was a personal job, not outsourcing the work to other people. If you want me to work out something for you, I will do so for money only.

Here's some more covers I did recently!

These are some custom art I did for a couple of cartridge games I had that needed some covers as well.

Sega's classic Gain Ground game on the Megadrive, and Sega's Quartet game on the Master System.

For Quartet I decided to go for a more faithful cover on this one, so I used the Japanese Sega Mark III cover art AND name "Double Target" (since this actually a 2-player spinoff and not a port of the actual 4-player arcade game)

I'm not allowing the comments below to avoid the spam I usually get on these.

Design © Eyz 2012.
Game and work based on a propriety © Sega
Not for commercial use!