Friday, January 18, 2013


It's time to finally have a look at Suda51 and Grasshopper Manufacture's all-new title - KILLER IS DEAD!

It looks pretty good.
And fun.

I dunno for you guys, but for me this looks like the combined sum of all the previous titles. Very Killer7-ysh (anyone remember that one?).
With No More Heroes' kind of universe/beat 'em all sword gameplay.
A dash of Lollipop Chainsaw for the fun/over the top.
The rockin' attitude and demons of Shadows of the Damned and some gunplay from it as well.
And Flower, Sun, and Rain's main character Mondo, reimagined from the ground up.
I'm not even kiddin'!

THIS is what I call a "next gen" game.
Making games look realistic or high-res, thanks to the "Unreal Engine" everyone's using these days? Anyone can do that.
But create a whole original design and art style? That's more like it, for me I mean.

Can't wait for this one~



    and my eyes are bleeding...Très Killer 7 visuellement,avec un point de Mad World dedans coté super-cell shade.

    je suis curieux en tout cas

    1. On dirait un No More Heroes next gen, à la Killer 7 en effet.

      Pour le Madworld next gen, t'a vu Anarchy Reigns? Basiquement parlant, Madworld 2 sur 360 et PS3. Il a un mode multi et tout, mais jai juste testé la campagne solo. Plutot cool.

  2. Pas pu non,j'ai pas ma box branchée tant que j'ai pas demenagé et je touche pas souvent a la play3 (meme si là je joue avec le chauve qui a le code barre sur la nuque) :S
    j'ai passé les 2 dernières semaines a bosser sur mon prochain cosplay :P
