Saturday, May 7, 2011

[FRENCH] Lucky Luke Ballads and stuff

Drawing by Eyz (me!)

I've always been a big Lucky Luke fan since...ever!
Lately, there's a song from a Lucky Luke cartoon I've been listening to a lot.
But first, lemme just show you how much of a Lucky Luke fan I am.
Here's my "collection", almost alll Lucky Luke comics.

That's approximatively ~60 volumes.
I'm only missing a half-dozen titles. (though I should try getting them one of these days now that I think about it..)

I've always liked the characters, the little typcial "old west" universe Morris (the cartoonist) crafted over the years which new authors are still keeping alive up to this day.

I'm also a big fan of "western" flicks, spaghettis westerns, etc..
Though I tend to prefer Clint Eastwood-type of characters and the movies they star in over the more classical John Wayne.
(the reason why I also prefer the video game Red Dead Revolver over Red Dead Redemption probably)

Anyway, here's the music I wanted to share on my blog!
It's the main theme (and opening tune) of the 1978 animated full-feature movie La Ballade des Dalton (The Ballad of the Daltons) which was back then one of the biggest project spawned from Francobelgium comics, and had been since then translated into dozens of other languages.

This is the original version, in french s'il vous plait~
Anyways it still is pretty watchable and catchy nonetheless:

I just love that banjo playing!
And Averell Dalton (the biggest one) is saying near the end, when he finds himself trapped outside the penitentiary:
"Hey! That's not fair! Lemme go inside! I've been arrested as well!"

I think the animation still holds up, pretty amazingly well.
Moreso than some modern cartoons which already look pretty bland and badly animated (mostly 80s cartoon, be it for TV or theater)

Since you're probably still here on this post, let me take this occasion to also post some more animated Lucky Luke.
First off, the original opening theme song from Lucky Luke's first cartoon TV series from '84:

Simply, folk-ysh-like.
The animation isn't as good as it was in the movie above, but it still counts amongst some of the best produced by french cartoon studios from that time.

And now Lucky Luke's modern cartoon opening theme from 2001:

Yeah, Lucky Luke had a pretty successful return, at least in french speaking countries with a new cartoon from the animation studio Xilam.
The lyrics are pretty funny here as well with a sort of frenglish. Which really suits this Francobelgium cartoon taking place in the US.^^

And finally here's a trailer for Lucky Luke's latest animated project, which was a big budget modern 2D animated movie called Tous à l'ouest. (which, I'm not sure, looks like it wasn't translated in English - at least for now):

The animation, the art style are top notch. But the reception has been mixed overall...Me? I haven't seen it so far...

And that is all for this animated Lucky Luke blog post!~


  1. Pleeease mister tell me the,name of the french song where they drive through the desert in caravan right after they kill the crocodile

    1. Err... which movie? The Balad of the Daltons? The new one? We're talking the animated films, right?
