Thursday, November 22, 2012

#AwesomeCosplay Pics of the day: CANARY

'Been loving the show Arrow.
Here's a wonderful badass cosplay of Black Canary by Florencia Muir, which I can already bet is a 1000 times better than anything they might come up on the show itself.


Black Canary exists!!
I just love this photoshoot, so professional - from costume to photography!

And one more for fun:

If only, am I right?!


  1. Oh god o///o You don't know what you have said... She is my favourite comic character and i'm very very glad you like my work on her... Thanks a lot!! You make me so happy and give me more reasons to continue in cosplay ~♥

    1. Oh!^__^
      You replied to my post! How nice of you^^

      I really love your work, you did the character great justice (more so than even Warner or DC do for that matter).
      It's a very impressive cosplay, an inspiration to us all!
      Keep up the good work!

      - Eyz
