Saturday, May 12, 2012

Blog - #May Update!

This actually is taken from my deviantArt page~

Seems like forever since I last wrote a [blog update], heh?
I'm still drawings all the time, uploading new stuff like crazy 'round [dA] 'n' all that though.
Just...not taking the time to write much [anymore] :/

*checks previous dA journal*
So, what has changed since then?
Well, I've started uploading some of my CoolApe parodies on [dA now].
And I while try making some all-new comics pages, either some of my personal stuff, work-in-progress, inks and even collabs. (some with my pals comin' up too, various projects from original material to more silly comics)
All these will be uploaded to my Comics-folder here.

I also have now a tumblr page!
Where I'll be uploading original requested drawings and answer to whatever ya wanna ask - amongst the usual tumblr-gifs I like to reblog around.
Right here.
I won't be posting those previous "twitter-doodles" anymore, and will be now making "tumblr-doodles" instead, as I call 'em.
This weekend's subject is AVENGERS-themed drawings. (because of the movie, which you can see my opinion on right here)

Besides that?
Still lots of actual work-work.
Still taking commissions.
Still playin'.
Still drawin'.
All that usual stuff, bub!

Keep on keepin'~

- Eyz

#MusicBOX - Nancy Sinatra's "These Boots Are Made for Walkin"

Time for a lil' trip back in the 60s, baby!

With this classic pop song by Nancy Sinatra from February 1966!

I just love the music, the style and the groove from the 60s~
Yeah, baby, yeah!

ComicPageOfTheWeekend: Pete and Johnny, "roomies"

I was never a big fan of most previous roommates Peter Parker had in the past.
I mean Harry Osborn wasn't that an original choice (Harry, really?) and "I'm so bland and generic" Carlie nowadays...

Anyway, in the pages of the Future Foundation he finally shares a place with his long time friend Johnny Storm aka the Human Torch.
"Friend", or is it more...

(Click for bigger pic)

How do these use to say?... Right, "Kiss the cook", heh? :P

FF #17 © Marvel Comics

Super Dictionary: she

El Dragón returns for....

(Click for bigger pic)

That's it????
That's all they could find for she, really?! Are you kiddin' me? Were they even trying?

That "woman or girl"??

Super Dictionary © DC Comics

Friday, May 11, 2012

#MusicBOX - Parks & Recreation on the accordion

Music time!

Love this guy's take on Parks & Recreation's opening theme!

#CollegeHumor - "Animation: Too Many Avengers"

With the Avengers out (I should really take the time to watch it....soon....), here's a pretty awesome animated parody from CollegeHumor:

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's how the general public's starting to feel, with all these superheroes around each other, teaming up.
They seem to be loving Avengers - for now. But you might see some eyebrows rising if there will ever be an Avengers 2 some day...

#Recap - The Avengers

I finally went on to see The Avengers yesterday evening!~

There was a non-3D playing at a movie theater around, starting about an hour after I decided to check it out online, so we just went there ASAP.

And the only thing I want to say is: Joss Whedon really knows how to make a good and entertaining movie!
I'll even nsay, Joss Whedon's f****** good!!

But that I already knew from Serenity, which only wasn't a success at the time because it wasn't a movie as hyped or an IP as popular as this one. And because of Avenger's bigger and better marketing.
Anyways, I truly believe most movies/games/whatever only succeed nowadays due to their bigger and more expansive budge/marketing. Throw money at the screen and people will eat that sh*t - prove in point the awful Transformers Bay-movies.

But I digress.

So Avengers was pretty darn good.
I really think only Whedon (and a couple of others) could make this dream project come true. I mean any other "studio-director" would have been overthrown by the dantesque project. The picture quality, CGi, etc. would have been the same, but the movie wouldn't have spent as much time with each character. Respecting both their respective movie(s) and comic book franchises.
The movie truly felt like a continuation of each series. Part-Captain America follow-up, part-Thor sequel, part-Iron Man 3. Well, Hulk, due to the change of actor I think didn't felt much like an Incredible Hulk, but Edward Norton's Hulk was alluded here and there (through the supersoldier/Abomination plotline).

It was bright, it was colorful, it was EPIC.
Yeah, EPIC's the world. Really, for once this word can b properly used here.
Specially near the end, the big panorama through the fight, pausing on each hero really qualifies this movie as epic.
It really felt like the Avengers come to life, Stan Lee's Avengers live! (speaking of which, I almost feared this would be the first Marvel movie Stan Lee-less, but thankfully, The Man still got a nice lil' unexpected cameo).

The only thing missing was the current cartoon Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes' theme song (come on, we all know it would have been awesome, even an orchestral take on that piece!) and the famous AVENGERS ASSEMBLE! catchphrase, which could have been so easily inserted at a certain moment!

Oh, and I guess my only complain was that the movie's villains, the "Chitauri" (if I'm not mistaken) were pretty dull and generic. They were apparently pulled from the Ultimate Marvel comics, I've just read. Well, I originally thought they were improvised for the movie..
I mean, it's almost as if originally, in the screenplay, Loki was using Skrulls or Krees from across the universe, but at the last moment they were replaced due to the producers or Marvel's involvement, to keep them free for a next future movie. (wouldn't surprise me, imagine a movie based on the Skrulls invasion..?) Thus the movie's Chitauri keep a very Skrull-ysh look, vehicles and weapons, but are instead dull grey-sh CGi creatures without personality.

Anyway, in the end, besides that aspect? A pretty epic movie!
Just having fun with superheroes and these Marvel characters. A true superhero movie done right.
Almost makes me which most movies could leave secret origins behind.

JLA by ~bbrunoliveira on deviantART

More than anything, this movie really made me think we could perfectly have a live Justice League movie that would work on the big screen.
Think about it!
They always think about believable adaptations, etc. But here in Avengers we got a HULK (ha!), gods, aliens from other dimensions, rocketflying robots, super over-the-top-archers, super badass spies, the SHIELD helicarrier, etc.
The audience will accept all that as long as it is properly introduced (not even explained - just take a look at Tony Stark's robots and technology!), has a decent enough budget and an excellent marketing! (<-it always comes down to that, heh?)
You could have Darkseid, Para-demons and Apokolips as main antagonists/reason for the heroes to join forces.
And no excuse like "but Green Arrow/Batman's powerless!" I mean, look at Black Widow or Hawkeye in Avengers! It's a movie, not real life! Just make 'em extremely efficient/badass on screen. It's entertainment, not a fraggin' documentary!

Yeah, this kinda turned into a JL-post, but that's my blog, so let me rumble around :P

Marvel Comics were my gateway into the realm of comic books, but I'm a DC guy at heart!~

Overall: The Avengers? An excellent movie!
Why did we get all these Thor, Iron Men and Hulk movies? Couldn't we had gotten that right away?!

#FanFilm Friday - Titanic SUPER 3D

Here's a pretty fun parody of all these movies getting new re-releases in 3D these days...

"Titanic is back, digitally upgraded with new 3D motion feel technology."

Pretty epic XD

Thursday, May 10, 2012

#BestOf Community - RIP Starburns

It's already time for a new Community this week!
Love this show, been lovin' it since the pilot :'3
(and I usually dislike pilots compared to how shows turn out later on)

"His name was Alex"

Here's the amazing montage-music video Abed did for the memorial of "Starburns" (a character they killed of in a meth-lab accident....)

Rockin' it in the afterlife!

That's the kinda way you want people to remember you after you death XD

CBR Kevin Smith's Green Hornet Vol. 1


Time for a look into one of the genre's most famous and oldest proprieties, who after several lives throughout various medium is back in comic book form under the fresh look of movie director and writer-Kevin Smith!

Gamin' NEWS! Amazing Spider-man random tidbit

I'm not following much the news regarding the Amazing Spider-man video game adaptation..
Because it just looks like your generic movie tie-in.

But this random news tidbit looked interesting enough to be worth mentioning here.

If you pre-order the game in the US, it looks like you may unlock some random alternate characters/DLC to play with.
Not your usual alternate Spidey costumes, but....

The Rhino looks like a huge naked g...HOLY SHIT!?!?IS THAT STAN LEE??? HOW AWESOME IS THAT?! XD

Anyhow, that's that :P

#Drawing - How to draw Booster Gold & Blue Beetle

Playing around with deviantArt's all new "muro" feature :P

Kinda silly, but fun~

#MusicBOX - Ray Parker Jr. "GHOSTBUSTERS"

Okay, so I probably already posted this on the blog already once...but..who's keeping track anyhow?

When something's the neighborhood...


I felt like listening to this awesome classic catchy tune~
Yeah, one of those days again...
It helps me through the day! :)

#Ad - Gillette commercial "Masters of Style"

Here's one for the ladies :P

I'm putting this Gillette commercial up on my blog, because the editing and names floating around make an otherwise simple and classic ad look quite badass.

Featuring Adrien Brody, Gael García Bernal & André 3000.

Also who is the target audience for a video like this?
Surely not the "dudes". Housewives who shop for their man?


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

VGR Cursed Mountain

New Survival Horror review for the blog!
Promise, I'll go back to Resident Evil soon...

First, another stop on the Wii for....

#AwesomeCosplay Pics of the day: Zatanna

Here's another great cosplay of Alouette!

Now, that's photography!~

#BestOf Curb Your Enthusiasm - hair in Larry's Throat

Larry's got some, huh... public hair in his throat in this already classic episode of Curb!
Check it out:

Yeah, I've been re-watching a lot of scenes from Curb Your Enthusiasm lately... Can't wait to see the new season announced. Come on, Larry! Even HBO's waiting on you!

#COOLAPE Wednesday - Shepard's Journal #2

Link for the full comic on CoolApe:

Wrex is back onboard. The bromance is finally reunited!

This was actually my first drawing/comics with my brand new wacom tablet a few weeks back, so excuse the brightness and the strange lineart...

#BestOf A Few Good Man - "You Can't Handle the Truth"

A classic scene from a classic movie.
Featuring Nicholson at his finest!

A Few Good Men (1992 )

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

#AwesomeCosplay Pics of the day: Catwoman

Here's the lovely Alouette cosplaying as the best Catwoman I've ever seen!

She just looks absolutely stunning! Gorgeous <3

#BestOf Curb Your Enthusiasm - "Larry in a bar"

And here's another awesome memorable scene from Curb!
This one features Larry flirting, and it's priceless!

We've all been there~

#BestOf Mystery Men - The Sphinx's sayings

Here's a pretty awesome clip from a little obscure film from Ben Stiller.
Mystery Men!

It was actually an adaption of a cult indie comic by Bob Burden - Flaming Carrot & The Mystery Men. (which was in itself a follow-up and expansion of the original Flaming Carrot title) - albeit sans Flaming Carrot sadly.

The movie was pretty funny, pocking fun at superheroes and the genre. It also featured an awesome all-star cast of comedians in the lead roles. Hank Azaria, Janeane Garofalo, etc.

I just love Sphinx's parodical advices. Making of the usual wisemen-trope such as Yoda in Star Wars and the likes...

Monday, May 7, 2012

#BestOf Curb Your Enthusiasm - "Shut The Fuck Up!"

Here's an hilarious compilation of classic "Shut The F*** Up!!!" on Curb :P

Come on Larry, when are ya gonna air the new episodes?? Even HBO's waiting on you!

How To Draw Batman Punching

Here's a video I found rather pretty interesting, personally.

It's a video of Jake Castorena from Warner Bros Animation studios, showing us how to draw Batman's HAMMERS OF JUSTICE!

This would no doubt quality as one of my top three dream jobs, particularly at WBs ^__^

#AwesomeCosplay Pics of the day: Mystique

Here's a really impressive Mystique cosplayer:

Stunning. Hollywood, take that! >__<

Totally impressive costume!
Very nice shots as well.

Courtesy from jj on dA.

#MusicBOX - Chubby Checker - Limbo Rock

It's time to limbo!
With some good ol' rock 'n' roll!

Here's something to start the week with a smile:

It's Chubby Checker's classic Limbo Rock!