Saturday, September 14, 2013

VGR Leisure Suit Larry 1

Since I just recently finished playing through the Kickstarter-financed Reload remake recently, here's a review of the original!

A "graphic" adventure game that took its title a bit too literally.

Don't worry, it's all played for laughs, it's just a parody!

Don't miss out my previous Adventure games-related reviews!

#Drawing - Batgirl Umasked

Alright, so this is a drawing I've been trying to make for these past few years.

I had the pic in mind, but was never able to correctly pull it off.

Thankfully my style evolved "a tiny bit" these last couple of years.

Drawing livestreamed here ->

ComicPageOfTheWeekend: It's like someone photoshopped your head onto Spider-man's body.

(Click for bigger pic)

Amazing Spider-Man © Marvel Comics

ComicPanelsOfTheWeek: I... Dead?

Remember this?

(Click for bigger pic)

Tales of the Unexpected #2 © DC Comics

#SuperDictionary: eye

I can actually hear the voices of Adam West and Burt Ward here.

(Click for bigger pic)

Super Dictionary © DC Comics

Tony Rock's #StandUp - @LaughFactory The Whitest Thing Ever

Tony Rock cracks me up!

And here he is, taking care of some heckler,

Another vid' courtesy from TheLaughFactory!

Friday, September 13, 2013

1PanelReview BioShock 2

And finally, the last missing BioShock from this list of quick reviews!

My BioShock reviews:


Who has cartoony eyes, big red shoes, runs, spin jumps around and was the actual mascot of the Sega Saturn?

Sonic, who? Wrong. It was but simply a bug!

Mascot platformers you ask? Check out the following reviews!

Patrick The Wolf Boy Review

New review up @ New readers...start here!

Patrick The Wolf Boy: The Giant Size Collection review!

Patrick The Wolf Boy © BlindWolf/Electric Milk Comics

#Drawing - Dance with me Booker

It's been far too long since I did an actual drawing - not one of my comics, reviews or what have you.

Here's something I wanted for so long, after listening to Rory O’More/Saddle The Pony a hundred times.

Trying a little new technique just for fun, it's pretty simple, fast and an effective way to doodle/clean up a drawing.

Hope you like it! Enjoy~

#FanFilm Friday - The Dark Knight: 1960s Version

Do you miss those awesome Nolan!Batman parodies? Well here's a little twist on the same concept!

It's the The Dark Knight - 1960s Version!

Great Adam West voice impression!

#MusicBOX - Regular Show - Party Tonight Music Video

Wha.... what?! What is this??

A live Regular Show music video?! An epic ad from Cartoon Network?

No matter. This is so 80s it actually hurts... In a good way.

#Cartoon NEWS! Rick + Morty

Alright. So Dan Harmon's upcoming new show, an animated series on [adult swim], is looking super promising!

Check out this preview:


Looks like a fun parodical look on scifi films. Kinda how Venture Bros is a tribute/parody of old pulp cartoons. And since it's Dan Harmon, expect plenty of meta/poking fun at the genre.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

VGR Astal

Here's a Sega Saturn original!

Mascot platformers you ask? Check out the following reviews!

#BestOf Regular Show Tunes - "Ringtone"

As far as I know, this lil' "easter egg" video has never been used on the actual show. It's just a silly commercial.


Makes you want to make an mp3 out of it and use it as an actual ringtone, right? (there used to be a download available on cartoonnetwork)

#AwesomeCosplay Pics of the day: The Woman Of Steel!

Here's a pretty fantastic Power Girl cosplay CrystalGraziano said she (I quote) "slapped together in a couple of days".

Well, nevertheless, it's pretty impressive if you ask me!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

#StarWars NEWS! SW7

So apparently rumors has it J.J.Abrams' Star Wars (aka Episode 7) will be titled A New Dawn. You know what? It sounds plausible enough, and the motif works with both trilogies' previous first entries.

I guess we can mark this as rumor-that-is-a-fact.

Plus since Abrams seems so kin to play with and even acknowledged the Expanded Universe apparently, it will go in hand with the above Dawn of the Jedi title. (though to be picky, that part of the EU is set yeaaaaars before the films.. heh)

Oh, and apparently Bad Robot Productions are currently building a real life-sized Millenium Falcon for the set! Does that mean Han Solo/Chewie/Leia too?

1PanelReview BioShock

What are you guys saying, "I'm a bit late for to  review this one?

It's my blog, I'll review what I want, when I want to.

And today's the day... I look back at the original BioShock 1!

ZOT! Review

New review up @ New readers...start here!

This time it's a review of Scott McCloud's classic Zot! series.

Zot! © HarperCollins

VGR Alien Trilogy

In space, no one can you play!

#Ubisoft NEWS! Aveline on home systems!

What's with all these handheld-to-console ports lately?

The Vita launch title that was considered a killer app for Sony's new portable will be re-released on HD systems - meaning PS3, PC & Xbox 360 - as Assassin's Creed Liberation HD!

Good news for me. Since I don't have one (I always require at least 3+ must have titles before investing into a new console, and my current views are into a Xbox One PS4 Sega SG-1000, yeah, power to the retro!) I wanted one for Assassin's Creed Liberation.. and that's pretty much it.

Here's a comparison of the new update:

And a trailer:

No date as been confirmed by Ubi and it's rumored as a digital only. Let's wait for some more information on that.

PK's #StandUp - @LaughFactory North Korean Comedian

'been a long time since I last posted a standup.

Here's some new clips courtesy from TheLaughFactory!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

VGR Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Nes)

Finally! I finally was able to reach the end of the original NES Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! It's 2am here as I decide to write this review nonetheless.

Did you know Turtles can drown in water? Like instantaneously? That's a thing I learned from this game...

#OpeningVideo - Resident Evil 1 Director's Cut - FMV Opening sequence

I just noticed I ever, ever posed this.

It's the same full video as the Saturn version of the game (which is basically the pre-Director's Cut version of RE1)

I adore this video! This, this B-movie/80s horror tone should be what they should go for. Not that Michael Bay-crap from the current games.

These actors played these characters and also did the voice acting!


Do you still miss ThunderCats like me? Well, this won't be of any help then...

Once again, from FOX' "Animation Domination HighDef" cartoon block!

Monday, September 9, 2013

VGR Aero the Acro-Bat 2

Aero the Acro-Bat is back in his second adventure!

Mascot platformers you ask? Check out the following reviews!

#BestOf The 1966 Batman Movie - Some Days, You Just Can't Get Rid of a Bomb!

Basically, the end of Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Rises! Sans the CGi, of course.

#EyzTalks - The last greatest invention of our generation

Something got me thinking...

You know, what the last great remarkable invention of this past decade is?


Here's another really stupid but kinda parody from FOX' "Animation Domination HighDef" cartoon block, that goes for way too long in my eyes...