Tuesday, November 16, 2010

ComicNEWS! War of the Green Lanterns

Straight from DC's blog the source!

There's a new Green Lantern event coming up soon!!

"From REBIRTH to SINESTRO CORPS to BLACKEST NIGHT, Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, John Stewart and Kyle Rayner have stood by each other and fought together to save our universe. After all that, what could possibly tear them apart? We’ll find out in WAR OF THE GREEN LANTERNS starting in March’s WAR OF THE GREEN LANTERNS #1 and throughout the Green Lantern titles in March, April and May. Every Green Lantern is about to be tested — and tested against one another."

The Green Lanterns are always at war! XD
This better be closer to the fun Sinestro Corps than the long epic Blackest Night...
So many events lately...

1 comment:

  1. Well, I know they're SpaceCops and they're supposed to be at war all the time..but a little break of 10-11 months could be great to develop the characters a bit.
