Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Movie NEWS! Brightest Day darkens...

You ready?
Like ready ready??

Well, here it is, at last, the final real Green Lantern movie trailer!!

Beware his power, SINESTRO'S MIGHT!!

Will it look a bit cheesy? Yeah.
Does the CGi looks, well, CGi-ysh? Of course!
Will this be the best comic-to-movie adaptation finally? I don't think so...

But it may just end up a quite fun movie.

The trailer does give me a Iron Man-vibe with a bit of Fantastic Four movie aspect...
Will it be as good as Iron Man? Or bad like the FF movie?
Only time will tell---
(probably a mix of both, IM's strengths with FF defaults??)

Alright alright, here's the trailer:

You'll notice the special effects are finished since last we saw them. (there's textures, lightning, shades and ambiant reflexions now)
But not as good as they could be... :/

What d'you think?
Looking forward to it?

I'm not super 100% happy with the CGi suit, and this may end up being the direction future other superheroes films may take.

I don't know for you, but I prefered the Flash's live costume from the TV series.

Anyway, good, bad, the hype for this movie truly beings now!

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