Thursday, December 2, 2010

Cartoon NEWS! The JLI on B:TBATB

You're ready for this?
The JLI will come to be on Batman: The Brave And The Bold!
Well, a variation on the JLI. Though they'll stay as comedic and disfunctional as we  all remember them to be.

The Blue Beetle Ted Kords will be replaced by Jaime (like in the comics Generation Lost), this will mark J'onn and Ice's debut (Fire already appeared briefly once), Aquaman will join in the JLI for the first time (because he's so OUTRAGEOUS), they'll face Darkseid and his miniiioooons and another JLI episode will happen next season.

Here's a preview:


And some pics:

Awesome! Can't wait!! Prepare your milk and Oreos~
Ice looks so darn' cute^^


  1. Bea is already drooling over Booster, I can tell ;)

  2. "Not in the face!" XD Priceless!!!! I'm loving how Booster is becoming a regular on this show!! Why is this show cancelled?? Arggh!!

    I love how Fire and Ice are just watching like this happens all the time. :)

  3. I'm really sad as well...
    Oh well, at least once this episode and the next one (a multi-segments "Bat-mite presents") air, we'll have on more last final season of ~13 episodes before it ends...

    And specifically another JLI episode promised next year, written by Keith Giffen & J. M. DeMatteis!
