Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Cape - recap

So, this new show finally started?

First impressions?

It looked a lot better than I feared it would!

The Cape is a brand new show, a superhero show.
It's about a cop who gets framed, "fakes" his death and decides to strike back to save his city.

Where other "would-be" geek shows about superheroes never really impressed or interest me in the past (Heroes, No Ordinary Family,...) what I really liked about the Cape was that it actually embraced its premise from the start!
I don't like crafting some random powers to characters, making from that a stereotypical blockbuster story and calling it a "superhero" story.
The Cape is closer in tone to indie superhero comics.

His costume doesn't seem to be "stuck" on a singular design. In episode 2 it changes a bit (for the best)

Both first episodes (the pilot and episode 2), were constructed in chapters (or "issues").
You can call it cliché, I call it inspired.
It may uses Batman Begins/The Dark Knight for the tone and modern look, but it's much more similar to The Spirit and The Question comic books. Maybe with a little touch from The Phantom serials.
The story takes place in the fictional city of Palm City, where science-fiction-ysh super-computers are quite commun, all cops are crooks, and supervillains seem to exist.
The first episode introduces us to the Chess and Scales alongside the hero's origin story. Episode brings Cain and more intrigue to the background (a supervillain organisation?).

It's grounded in reality, while keeping some pulp elements.
The stories seem self-contained, while developing an overall arc for the season.

It kinda reminded me of the 90s adaptation of The Flash live tv series.
It's great to actually have a comic book-ysh show that doesn't shy away from the use of costumes (Heroes, Smallville..).
So far?
I'd say thumbs up, quite interested myself...
Yet I somehow fear this won't get a second season, while horrible annoying sitcoms and reality TV always get more seasons...

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