Thursday, July 21, 2011

Movie NEWS! Spider-man trailer!

And here it is finally!
The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) trailer!

Beware though, it might leave you with a biased on opinion..
On one hand it's great to finally have the web shooters, see a High School student Peter Parker, have the Lizard has a villain...

On the other I'm having so much pain accepting this guy as Peter Parker/Spider-man...
I mean, Hipster/Twilight Spider-man?  Waugh....

Anyway, here's the trailer for everyone to enjoy:

Mmmmh... Another reboot really? And if the movie bombs, for example, will Marvel get the rights back from Sony and re-reboot it in its movie Marvel U?

And is it only me or is this direction a tad bit too dark for Spidey?
And what's up with the Mirror's Edge scene? Hopefully only made for the teaser trailer...right? Not in the actual movie...right?? Right??

1 comment:

  1. I mean, they're adapting Spider-man. Not Wolverine or Batman.

    Someday, we'll hopefully get a genuinely fun and funny wise-cracking Spider-man movie..someday.. -sigh-
