Friday, July 22, 2011

Sega NEWS! Sonic the Hedgehog 20th Anniversary Trailer!!

Sega just released a bunch of new Sonic Generations related pics and a new trailer!

3DS version cover art revealed!

So, let's check 'em out, shall we?
First up, there's a brand new Website online. Check it out!

And here's the official character renders of Tails. Classic and Modern!

 Click for bigger Res.

And new (reimagined) levels announced!

First up, Chemical Plant Zone from Sonic 2!
Maybe not the favorite one for younger Sonic fans who didn't use to play the Megadrive/Genesis. But one of my favorites personally. The music, the visual design, the traps/enemies/platform segments.. It was such a fun and radically different from the first level.

And now here's Stardust Speedway from Sonic CD.
A game that is strangely cult, taking the fact that it wasn't released on a system that was much popular originally... Probably fanboys who never played it back then originally and started loving it to sound "cool" and retro (and as a counter-move due to modern Sonic moves getting quite a bad rep these last couple of years..)
Anyways, Metal Sonic was revealed not long ago, so enjoy this obvious much needed classic moment!

Woah! Nice!
Gotta love Classic!Sonic's face :D

Finally, Check out this retrospective video celebrating Sonic's 20th Anniversary!

I'm guessing it's showing the games that will make it into Generations.
As well as hinting directly at the levels Sonic Team picked to remake.

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