Monday, December 12, 2011

Movie NEWS! New comic-to-film posters!

Here's some all-new posters for two upcoming comic book movies.

First up, The Dark Knight Rises!

Well, from the looks of it, I'm expecting the movie to follow Knightfall pretty closely now...
Bane will break the Bat? "The Legend Ends", then below "The Dark Knight Rises"? Gotta take a pick, you gotta decide Hollywood people... Will Bats end or rise?

And is it only me or does it remind you guys of that famous Spider-man picture...

From the throwaway used super-costume to the walking away under the rain pose...only here it is the villain walking off and not the hero...foreshadowing plot points maybe?

Speaking of Spidey, here's the all-new poster for the rebooted franchise Amazing Spider-Man!

What do I have to say about this one? to start...
First up, when superhero movie posters start pouring in, it rains!

And why do both movies have such similar stylistically designed posters to begin with? Same graphic artist on both?
They both look so bland and boring... I can already imagine silly teenage kids saying "HEY! They look cool, I want BOTH of them on my bedroom's wall!! XD!!Lol1!!1!11"

Anyway, the Spider-man is really scr#wed up by its awful tagline... "The Untold Story"...of his origins? Again??
Cliché! Silly! Unnecessary!

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