Saturday, September 17, 2011

"It's about time" - Nike ad

Here's a pretty cool new product coming up from Nike
The actual Back to the Future "2015 shoes" Mart McFl.....whaaAAAT???
An auction? With a starting price this expensive??
Well, excuuuuse me, but that's kinda to much for a poor lil' fan like me...

Anyway, check out this funny commercial regarding the actual real life shoes based on that cult movie Nike will be actually producing this year.

Sure, they're not as hi-tech as the one from the movie..then again, we didn't catch up to BTTF's shiny future.
They will be released in an effort to support the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's research.

And that basketball player Kevin Durant's a pretty bad actor but at least he was cool enough to participate in this video!~

ComicPageOfTheWeekend: Discos and Dungeons!

(Click for bigger pic)

Fantastic Four © Marvel Comics

ComicPanelsOfTheWeek: The card of the New Fantastic Four

I told ya I would blog some more on The New Fantastic Four!
Remember them? Well, neither do they...
Here's an illustration from a card representing this "classic" historical team-up:

(Click for bigger pic)
The "New Fantastic Four" © Marvel Comics

Friday, September 16, 2011

AwesomeCosplay Pic of the day: Badass JURI

Here's a quite badass cosplay of Street Fighter's Juri by the talented Magdalena Kosmoski.

Such an attention to the detail! Mighty impressive :'3

Why don't ya help her out and go vote for her?

Kick ass job!
She does suit the character pretty well~

FanFilmFriday: Where's Waldo-double feature!!

Today, lemme post two little fan films concerning the same subject.

I always liked those good ol' "Where's Wally?" comix. (aka "Where's Waldo" in the US - for you see he was named a dozen different different names across various countries like Charlie in France or Walter in Germany)
It was originally puzzle-comic strips from the UK, where you had to find a bunch of objects & characters including Wally/Waldo/Charlie/etc. himself and his dog, his cane and others~

It has been since then exported in many countries, adapted into cartoon series, video games, etc..

Today, for my FanFilmFriday, I want to show you two "Hollywood-esque" takes on the subject!

Gamin NEWS! "people fighting, someone's wrath and a domain in binary code...."

And here's some more trailers from the TGS 2011.
On today's menu: people fighting, someone's wrath and a domain in binary code....

So, I heard you liek ARKHAM ASYLUM's Harley Quinn

Watch this, yo!


COOLAPE Friday - Excuse Me Princess

Link for the full comic on CoolApe:

Some Hero of Time he makes...

Because you asked for this...

What Chuck thinks of this blog...

Someone over at deviantArt reminded me my blog lacked some Chuck Norris.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Friggin' most badass scene ever put on film: "You son of a bitch!"

And here's something random.
The most badass scene ever put on film:

"You son of a bitch!"

CBR Metal Men


Today, the Metal Men!
In case this name is already lost on you, the Metal Men are a relatively obscure team of robots from DC Comics.
They're easily my favorite original team of characters. Sure, the Justice League International, the Shadowpact or the Mighty Avengers (at Marvel) are nice enough. But those are mostly teams composed of existing characters re-purposed under a team book to keep them in print.

The Metal Men were and still are a bunch of original character solely created for the role of this team. (kinda like the Fantastic Four or Challengers of the Unknown)
And the concept behind them's so simple and fun!

This book was created as an attempt to bring them back into the DCUniverse and clarify their origin and status as well.
Doc Magnus, their creator, was re-established during DC's big crossover epic 52, and the group appeared as a whole again in a story-arc in Superman/Batman before landing the featured role in this book.

Gatchaman promotes Monster Hunter

Okay, this is random...

Thanks to Sam for the heads-up!

Source: Destructoid

Gamin' NEWS! Good: Segas, Bad: DOAs, Ugly: Payne...

And here's some new news regarding upcoming games, straight from this year's TGS!
Also, other miscellaneous information.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Gamin' NEWS! Mario Kart 7

And here's one more trailer of an upcoming Nintendo game.
It's Mario Kart 7, which will be released later this year as well, on Dec. 4 on the 3DS as well.
(they're finally releasing games for that system?.. why didn't they release the system now instead?!)

And it looks like...much of the same.
Which is great for fans, I guess :P
Meh, my favorite Mario Kart was the SNES one. I played the DS one too for, like, 1 week, then completely forgot about it...
Don't mistake me, it is a good looking and fun game. But simply not for me..

Gamin' NEWS! Crysis 1 Console Announcement Trailer

And here's a trailer I forgot to post the other day.
It's the original hi-tech FPS game from PC, Crysis (1)  finally coming to home consoles (Xbox 360 & PS3) thanks to a large demand by fans and the success of Crysis 2 earlier this year.

And in case you don't know what this is, here's how I'd describe this title.
Crysis is like a mix between the FarCry series (developed by the same team afterall, Crytek - btw, what's up with all these "Cry" in their names??) and the DeusEx series. (more DeusEx 1 than the later sequels)
It's an FPS game taking place in a large open world environment (that mixes jungle/island/city/headquarters settings) and in which you can customize your armored hero with various features. At least the original game on computer. You could play around with his stats, abilities.. like the ability to turn invisible, gain certain attributes, carry whatever equipment you wanted, etc...

Then came Crysis 2, specifically developed for consoles, and therefore pretty simplified and more linear. Still a good game per say, but loads more convenient than the former episode.

Anyway, worth checking out, later this year if your computer couldn't run it! (like my pretty old crashy buggy laggy PC from a decade ago...)

Gamin' NEWS! Some Nintendo titles + Bananas!

From this year's 2011 Tokyo Game Show!

It's time for yet another video game update blog post!
This time featuring Nintendo trailers and some familiar Monkey returning yet once again.


Link for the full comic on CoolApe:
And on blogspot:

Some find love in the middle of combat...others in chatrooms.

A 20-Minute Explanation of Why the Dark Knight Chase Scene Sucks, Even If You Liked It

Did the Dark Knight's chase scene made any sense in the movie?
This guy (below) thinks not.
And you know what, for all the fanboy-ism for this movie, all the praise and all the money its made (and the fact I've seen it twice in theaters, I never spent movie watching movies twice on theaters...), I still find it's a great and entertaining movie but far from perfect.

Personally my problem lies in the editing, specially on action scenes... But that's more of a general problem with most modern mainstream movies. (why does the camera work keep shakin' them? can't they film clear action scenes anymore nowadays?? shaky cam =/= good action scene!!!)

Anyway, let's hear the guy out:

You can read more on this guy's opinion on

And all I want to add is, for once someone dares critique this movie!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Understanding Bandes dessinées - a guide to European comics

Little introspective/discussion @ New readers...start here!

Understanding Bandes dessinées

In which I take a look upon European comics and various tidbits about their culture!

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Tintin © Casterman

Gamin' NEWS! SF X Tekken - Battle of the fat dudes

And here's an all new trailer for the upcoming Street Fighter X Tekken game that will be released on March 2012!

The two big guys of both franchises will finally collide! Will they both fit in this game??
Who's side are you on? With Rufus or Robert "Bob" Richards?

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Robot Chicken - Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II ad

Here's a very funny little ad for the video game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II by Seth Green and his crew at Stupid Monkey:

...and if you've never seen Robot Chicken, now's as good time as any to start doing so.
Robot Chicken is an anthology kinda parody show, featuring various parody segments of pop culture in stop-motion. And stop-motion's such an interesting and fantastic way to do animation!

ComicPanelsOfTheWeek: Jay Garrick Vs. A shark

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The Flash © DC Comics

ComicPageOfTheWeekend: Hey, I won't tell if YOU don't..

This one was possibly from Saranga's blog if I remember correctly.
With Supes being "single" again, what with DC's reboot/relaunch-thingie, I taught it would be appropriate for now!

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Adventures Of Superman #588 © DC Comics